Due to a crazy work schedule, my oldest starting high school, and a BIG lack of motivation, I haven't posted in a while. Even though Boston was all I ever dreamed it would be, I have not had the goal to requalify. I have done more biking, swimming and now I find myself in the middle of marathon training again. How did that happen?
However, Thursday, September 6th, 2012, life showed up with a vengeance and stopped me and my family in our tracks. Isn't ironic that when tragedy strikes, all the "important" stuff ceases to matter. We drop everything and focus on what is really important.
September 6th, Gwen Phelps beat cancer. She beat it by receiving the ultimate healing from God. She had lived with Primary peritoneal cancer (also known as primary peritoneal carcinoma) for some time. Her body finally said "enough" and she let go. She is now singing with the Angels and praising our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Gwen is my sister's mother-in-law. However, this family is part of my family. We vacation with them, care about them, and now grieve with them. We grieve not because she is in Heaven, but because we are left here without her.
So here we are..... left without her, trying to figure out how to go on.....
So I decided to do what will keep me out of therapy.
I run!
I run to forget.
I run to make since of it all.
I run to remember.
I run in her memory. This next marathon I run, I will run for Gwen. She has blessed my life in so many ways. She gave freely without expecting anything in return so the least I can do is run a race for her.
The Thunder Road Marathon is the next race on my list. This is the same race I qualified for Boston on. However, this time the run will not be about qualifying, it will be about Gwen's memory.
To find out more and how you can join the fight, go to http://www.primaryperitonealcancer.org.
I hope to help raise awareness and some money.
I hope to honor Gwen's memory!
I will now be posting in my See Spot Run, Bike, and Swim Blog. It is my main blog! So go read and have fun!
See Spot's training for the Boston Marathon. It will feature the miles and paces run, the thoughts about training, and the craziness that follows Spot!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
I'm a Bahston Runnah! - My race report!
On Monday, April 16, 2012, I ran the 116th Boston marathon.
I have 2 things I want to say about this race:
1. It was the hardest marathon I have ever run!
2. It was the most enjoyable marathon I have ever run!
Someone asked me if it was all I had hoped it would be. It was everything I had hoped it would be and more. So here is my story:
As Matt and I were getting ready to board the plane in Charlotte, to go to Boston, I noticed I had received and email from the BAA. It read....
Around mile 23 I see a woman giving out frozen fruit pops. She gives me one and I declare my love for her and the fruit pop. It was the best thing I have ever eaten! I decide to eat this instead of my last gel. I get a water to wash it down and keep running.
Only a 5k to go.....
The last 3 miles were wonderful.... tons of spectators and water pipes. I was soaking wet. I just looked around and took it in.
The last mile was amazing. I knew I would finish. I knew I was getting so close. I turn on Boylston and see the finish line.... guess what... I cry! I am getting ready to finish THE BOSTON MARATHON!
I pass through the finish line and get my medal. I am so excited! I have finished the race....and I finished well!
I have 2 things I want to say about this race:
1. It was the hardest marathon I have ever run!
2. It was the most enjoyable marathon I have ever run!
Someone asked me if it was all I had hoped it would be. It was everything I had hoped it would be and more. So here is my story:
As Matt and I were getting ready to board the plane in Charlotte, to go to Boston, I noticed I had received and email from the BAA. It read....
BOSTON MARATHON WEATHER UPDATEDue to warm weather in Monday's forecast, a deferment option has been introduced.
Due to the unusually warm weather forecast for the Boston area on Monday, the B.A.A. will defer the entry of those official entrants to the 2013 Boston Marathon for participants who decide not to race.
In addition, the B.A.A. will keep the finish systems open an additional hour on race day. Whereas the finish systems generally cease just prior to 5:00 p.m., this year the finish systems will remain open until approximately 6:00 p.m.
The B.A.A. thanks all participants for their cooperation in this matter.
BOSTON MARATHON WEATHER UPDATEDue to warm weather in Monday's forecast, a deferment option has been introduced.
Due to the unusually warm weather forecast for the Boston area on Monday, the B.A.A. will defer the entry of those official entrants to the 2013 Boston Marathon for participants who decide not to race.
In addition, the B.A.A. will keep the finish systems open an additional hour on race day. Whereas the finish systems generally cease just prior to 5:00 p.m., this year the finish systems will remain open until approximately 6:00 p.m.
The B.A.A. thanks all participants for their cooperation in this matter. Sincerely,
By the time I got to Boston, the BAA was asking people not to run who did not feel like their training went well or if they were charity runners. It was expected to be around 87 degrees. So I started praying that God would change the weather.
Matt and I went on like normal. On Sunday we got up, watched HGBC (our church) online then went to the expo. I picked up my packet and got my coveted official Boston Jacket!
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Official Boston Jacket! |
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Packet Pick-up! |
Afterward, Matt and I walked around the expo...almost overwhelmed! It was HUGE! We saw everything then went to eat lunch. Then we chilled for a good part of the day at the hotel. I think I fell asleep.... Then off to eat again! Does anyone see a theme? All the while, I was drinking tons of water and Gatorade.
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Carb Loading! |
So anyway..... We ate, then went to get ready for Monday!
I got up at 0500 and spent time with God. I continued to pray for a weather change and safety for my buddies who were running. I got dressed, ate my 1st breakfast, started my Gatorade and water, then Matt and I walked to the bus.
Boston is a point to point course. It starts in Hopkinton and you run 26.2 miles to Boston. So I had to ride a bus to the start. I was excited and just a bit anxious. When I stepped outside, I knew it was going to be hot! I had promised Matt I would slow it down so I would safely finish. He and my mom weren't so sure about me having the discipline to do this. I wasn't either.
At the bus, I met some of my UCRR buddies!
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Landon, Ed, Hazel, Me |
Hazel had deferred, but was there for support! Love my running group! So the rest of us loaded the bus and at 0700, we were headed to Hopkinton. I wanted to take everything in. The bus was loaded with nervous energy. Everyone was discussing how they qualified and their plans for the race.
I looked around and listened to the stories. I felt like a small fish in a big pond. Everyone here is fast.... fast enough to qualify for THE Boston marathon. It is amazing.
We get to Hopkinton and unload. We walk to the field and find a good spot to relax for the next 2 hours. Landon and I don't start until 1040, so we have a while to wait. We listen to music, talk about the race, eat our 2nd breakfast about 1000, and use the bathroom for the last time. I cannot even explain how amazing "Athlete's Village" was. All the runners...All the energy...All the heat.
Finally it was time for Ed to go to his wave. He is FAST... so he is in the Red Wave (or wave 1). At 1005, Landon and I go to our wave. We are in the Blue Wave (or wave 3). It is about 3/4 of a mile from the village to the start. So we walk...and walk! I finish my 33 ounce water and take my salt pill (for electrolytes)
Before I tell anything about this race I have to say something.... the whole race there were tons of VERY HELPFUL spectators and volunteers. They made it possible for me to finish and kept me entertained the whole marathon.
My plan was to run a 5k at a time. I knew there was a tracking mat at every 5k point. I also knew that breaking the race down into smaller goals made it easier to tackle.
My first big goal was to hit the half way mark around 2:00. This is a far cry from the 1:47 half time I did just a bout a month ago. My 2nd goal was to hit mile 16 and feel good. This is the point I normally feel overwhelmed and hit the wall. My 3rd goal was to make it to the top of Heartbreak hill (mile 21ish) and still have 5 more miles in me to run. And my biggest goal was to finish under the hot conditions I had been given.
I remember standing at the starting line. I looked at the girl beside me and told her we were getting ready to run THE Boston Marathon! I was very emotional. This is not like me at all... I normally have very few emotions but not today. I watched the clock count to 1040 and we were off.
The first few miles are down hill. Everyone was blowing it out...going fast. I had told Matt I would start with a 9:00 mile and would not go any faster than that. At this point it was 80+ degrees. So I said to the runners flying past me, "See you suckas on Heart Break Hill"! I took everything in. The first 5k went by fast. There was water at every mile and there was NO running through the water stops. The wall of people and mound of cups on the ground made me have to slow down significantly. But that was OK because I was able to start my hydration plan. This included taking a Gatorade every other mile, and 2 waters at every mile. One water to drink and one to pour on my head. Yes, it was that hot!
Around mile 3 we passed a tent put up by the spectators. They were telling us to just come over and sit down and rest. They had ice cream. I found this very funny. I saw signs that said "short cut". People had water pipes and were spraying the runners. It was wonderful! When I wasn't at a water stop, the spectators were giving out oranges and water.
OK... lets just do another 5k.....
At the 10k mark, I knew that my family and friends who were tracking me would get a text. I prayed that I would be able to finish this race well. I thought about my children at school and how excited they were about this... and I cried. Good grief! What is wrong with me? This is where I took my first gel. It was almost liquefied because of the heat. I also noticed my hydration plan was working out well.
Around mile 7, I remember seeing a sign....it said, "You qualified to diminish any doubts". This touched me. I got very emotional as I thought about my journey to get here and once again, I cried!. Even though it was around 90, I thought about my awesome jacket back at the hotel waiting for me to put it on! And I ran....and cried!
OK...Lets run to the 15k mark!
I remember seeing this mat. I thought about the last 15k race I ran with my buddy Michelle. I thought about how strong she had been in this race. Then I saw a sign that said, "Go Michelle". Guess what, I cried! But this gave me the strength to go another 5k.
As I started getting closer to the half marathon mark (13.1 miles) I started hearing yelling. At first I was confused. But then I remembered.... Wellesley College! There were tons of girls with signs that said "Kiss Me". They were yelling for us like we were movie stars. I, once again cried and laughed. It was very moving. I also knew as I crossed the 1/2 marathon mark my family and friends would get a text. I also took my next gel. So far, so good!
When I went through the 13.1 mile marker, I decided to start a new mind game.... Just 3 more miles to mile 16.... then just 4 more miles to mile 20..... then just a 10k to go. I can do that. Because now, I'm running home!
Mile 13.1 - 16. I am still feeling pretty good. I am very thirsty and can feel the heat go into my lungs as I breath. I'm not breathing heavy so I decide to make sure I breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. At this point I notice there are these shower things we can run through. You have to go off the course a bit but the benefits of being completely soaked was wonderful. I also knew that around 15/16, the Newton Hills start so I started preparing myself as well as I could.
This is where I passed team Hoyt. This is a father/son team. The father pushes the son in a wheelchair. He is an amazing athlete who has competed in many marathons and Iron Man races. I have read about them so it was an honor to see them in action. I could tell they were struggling. This gave new perspective on how hard this marathon was turning out to be. Even the strongest of runners were suffering. I gave them a shout out as I passed by and ran....and cried!
At mile 16, I knew I would have about 5 miles of hills. However, I didn't really care at this point. I knew in 4 miles I would be at mile 20. I ran up slowly and tried to gain a little momentum on the down hills. I continued drinking my water and Gatorade. I poured water on my head.
I took a COLD water from a spectator who was handing them out. I have NEVER tasted water so good. It was so cold. It gave new meaning to the verse in the Bible that talks about not being a luke warm follower of Christ, but either being hot or cold. The verse means to be true to your convictions and stand up for what you believe. Up until this point, I had been drinking luke warm water. It was nasty, but under the circumstances, I had to have it. But when I got that fresh COLD water, it was refreshing. That is what the Bible was talking about....it is refreshing to see a believer take a stand on his/her beliefs. Not in a mean way, but to just live what you say you believe. To truly care about people. To care not only about the needs of the here and now, but their needs for eternity. I asked God to help me be refreshing water to others when they thirst for the living water....when they thirst for Jesus.
At mile 20 I start going up Heartbreak Hill. I knew this would be a somewhat long hill, but at the end, the course would turn slightly down hill. And only a 10k to go. As I was running up Heartbreak Hill I thought to myself....."My Heart will NOT be broken today". I looked around and noticed that I was the ONLY one running and everyone else looked like they were doing a death march. There were also motorcycle cops pulling people off the course. It was rather scary. It was so hot. I have never ran a race that was this hot.... and I have ran Disney the year it was around 90 at the finish.
As I topped Heartbreak Hill, I knew I was home free! Mile 21...so only 5 more to go. I can do that. I was running along and I heard someone call my name. I look around and see my friend Jessi. I thought I was seeing things at first, but I wasn't...she offered me water, but I told her I was good and I ran.
At mile 22 I had missed a water station. Every station was set up on both sides but this one. So I ran by the first part, on the right...like I had done 21 times before... but this time, it was only on that one side...drats! But then I look around and see my wonderful husband. I want to let him know I am good but I start to get emotional and can hardly talk. He snaps a quick picture of me, we hug (I think) and I start running again.
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Mile 22! |
The last 3 miles were wonderful.... tons of spectators and water pipes. I was soaking wet. I just looked around and took it in.
The last mile was amazing. I knew I would finish. I knew I was getting so close. I turn on Boylston and see the finish line.... guess what... I cry! I am getting ready to finish THE BOSTON MARATHON!
I pass through the finish line and get my medal. I am so excited! I have finished the race....and I finished well!
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Me and my Medal! |
Before I started this marathon, I asked God to change the weather. He did not do that though. Instead, He changed me. He helped me slow it down and be OK with that. He helped me NEVER hit the wall. He helped me accomplish my long awaited goal of running this marathon. I believe it was meant for me to run this marathon and finish. I believe God taught me several lessons along the way. And I believe I will someday come back and really be able to run it at my pace.
My mom told me once that we do not get to choose the conditions we race under. This is true of life too. Sometimes God does change our conditions and/or circumstances.... but most of the time, He changes us.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Taper Week 1 - Week 15
I have finally hit marathon week! I am a mix of emotions about everything! I am every excited one minute and wanting to puke the next! Checking the weather in Boston every hour and feeling phantom pains all over my body that actually are not there.....
This is part of Taper madness! =)
However, I am more excited than anything else. I cannot believe that after everything: the qualifying, the training, the planning, that it is finally a week away!
I am now figuring out what to wear and what to pack. One thing I do know.... What shoes I will wear. My new Asics 2170 from Run For Your Life! My Zoe is guarding them for me!
As of today, Boston is offering a rather warm day on Monday, April 16th. At this point it will be highs 75 and partly cloudy. My starting time isn't until 10:40 am so that means I will run in the heat of the day. I'm hoping it will be cooler, but I choose not to stress about things I don't control. I have completed most of my runs in the heat and/or rain. So the elements are not making me fear. I am also hoping my hydration plan will work out for me in the heat. I try to drink around a gallon of water a day!
However, whatever the weather holds, I have finished my training and now I just recover to run. So this is how my first week of tapering went! At this point, I have not burned any bridges or killed anyone.... so I feel like the tapering is going well.
This was just a run with a few pickups. Michelle and I met and ran about 6 miles. I noticed that morning before the run that my Garmin had not charged up. So I just ran this without my garmin... it felt weird.
Tuesday I did no workout. I wanted to make sure that I would be fully recovered from my 20 miler. Also it is spring break so I sent Abigayle off on a youth Mission trip and then hung out with my Maggie the rest of the day.
Wednesday was hill work. I was having a hard time breathing. I'm not sure if this was because of allergies or just because I was still tired from my too fast 20 miler on Saturday.
Thursday was a rest day.... HA! I don't feel like I should rest.
Friday was a cold rainy 4 miler. Supposed to be at pace but was a little too fast.... 8:20 pace. oops!
Saturday was a fun 10 mile run at a nice 8:45 pace with my friends!!!
So 1 more week and I will be there! Can't wait!
This is part of Taper madness! =)
However, I am more excited than anything else. I cannot believe that after everything: the qualifying, the training, the planning, that it is finally a week away!
I am now figuring out what to wear and what to pack. One thing I do know.... What shoes I will wear. My new Asics 2170 from Run For Your Life! My Zoe is guarding them for me!
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Take me running with you! |
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I will guard your shoes for you! |
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My jug of H2O! |
This was just a run with a few pickups. Michelle and I met and ran about 6 miles. I noticed that morning before the run that my Garmin had not charged up. So I just ran this without my garmin... it felt weird.
Tuesday I did no workout. I wanted to make sure that I would be fully recovered from my 20 miler. Also it is spring break so I sent Abigayle off on a youth Mission trip and then hung out with my Maggie the rest of the day.
Wednesday was hill work. I was having a hard time breathing. I'm not sure if this was because of allergies or just because I was still tired from my too fast 20 miler on Saturday.
Thursday was a rest day.... HA! I don't feel like I should rest.
Friday was a cold rainy 4 miler. Supposed to be at pace but was a little too fast.... 8:20 pace. oops!
Saturday was a fun 10 mile run at a nice 8:45 pace with my friends!!!
So 1 more week and I will be there! Can't wait!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
And It Comes to and End - Week 14
I got my packet this week and I am runner #18338! Wave 3, corral 1!
This is my last week of official training. After this week I start my taper. EEEEK! I cannot believe my race is this close.
I have mixed feelings about this.
However... After discussing my grand plans with several runners who have run this race I have made a final decision for my goals.
I have worked hard to get here and may never have the chance to run it again. I don't want to regret not enjoying this race. Sometimes pushing the pace makes the race not fun and normally results in me getting sick. SO.... I plan to go an enjoy myself. I want to give people Hi-5s... I want to have fun... I want to talk and laugh with the other runners.... I want to finish and have a smile on my face..... I want to be able to walk back to my hotel.
So I have NO time goal! Gasp! I have no pace bracelet or no time in mind. The goal is to enjoy myself!
So here is the last week of training!
Monday was a tempo run!
It was HARD! I had 10 miles. 6 of those were at tempo pace. I warmed up 3 miles with Michelle then started the tempo pace. She had to get to work so she started heading back. About 2 miles into my tempo pace I see someone coming toward me. It is Jonathan. I was so happy that he turned around to run with me. He did the whole tempo part with me and was very encouraging. I think he thought I was going to die though... He kept asking if I was OK. I was, but it was just a hard run.
Tuesday I swam 1700... really nothing to say about that! Just a recovery day.
Wednesday was circuit! This is speed work with a twist! Five 1/2 mile repeats with strength training in between. And I was sore afterwards!
Thursday was a rest day! From training.
Friday was my pace run!
It was the perfect day to run! Goal was 10 miles at my marathon pace (8:29). Michelle came and ran with me. We finished up with 10 miles at an 8:21 pace. A bit fast.
Saturday was my last 20 miler!
When I got out of bed, I heard the pitter patter of rain hitting my window. Maybe it will stop? Ha!!! No such luck. I met several friends at 0600 to start my last 20. The goal was 20 miles at a nice "easy" 8:45 pace.
We first did the "BiLo" loop in the rain. This ended up being a little over 6 miles.
Then we met the rest of the group.
Troy had 15 miles
Erin had 18 miles
Siobhan had 20 miles
So we all hung out for that amount of miles. We discussed some mind tricks to stay strong during a run. Erin said she puts everything into the amount of time it would take to watch a certain TV program or movie. For example.... 7 miles = a TV episode of "Person of Interest" with the commercials. So at this point, we have less time running left than the movie "Hunger Games".
We all ran DOWN David Taylor in the rain! Got on the greenway and ran to the soccer fields. Still sorta raining. This gave us around 10 miles and Siobhan said we were half way done. So an hour and a half (approx) left or the time it would take to see 3 "Sponge bob" shows come on and go off. And I felt really good, even though we had been running under pace.... in the rain.
We turned down the Toby Creek extension... in the rain. Took a gel and continued to run back.
Got back to David Taylor and Troy turned off. That means I have a little over 5 miles left.... or an episode of "House"...without the commercials.... oh, and by the way, it was still raining.
about 2 miles later, Erin turns off and heads back. She only has to do 18 and we are around 17 miles. Wow! At this point, we are still going under the 8:45 pace but I am still OK. Tired, but OK. we hit mile 18 and Siobhan says, "Seinfeld, without the commercials". I know what she means... we have about 18 minutes left (at the most).
At mile 19 we get off the greenway (totally uphill.... I pretended it was Heartbreak Hill) and run the rest of the way in. The last mile was an 8:10.
Oh, and by the way.... it was still raining and I was soaked...and looked like I had been in a muddy cat fight. I had so much "chub rub" it wasn't even funny. My back, legs, and everywhere my clothes touched me was rubbed raw.
It is funny! After all that I look at my average pace for this 20 miler. The average pace was 8:29. My marathon pace. Interesting.
So now that I am done with my official training I start the taper. And taper madness. So I apologize in advance for everything I may say and/or do the next 2 weeks.
This is my last week of official training. After this week I start my taper. EEEEK! I cannot believe my race is this close.
I have mixed feelings about this.
- First, I am in shock and totally excited that I am getting the honor to run. It has been a long road. Not just the training, but the getting the chance to even sign up for Boston. As most of you know, you have to qualify at another marathon to even get the chance to sign up. My BQ time was 3:50.59. I qualified in 2010 (with a 3:45.22 chip time) at the Thunder Road marathon. However, that was not my first attempt.
- Thunder Road 2009 was my first attempt (12/09) but it all fell apart as I got sick during the marathon.
- Then came Myrtle Beach 2010. (2/10) It all fell apart as I watched the snow fall. The marathon was canceled and once again my Boston dream was out of my reach!
- And the Thunder Road 2010.... 12/12/10 it all came together!
- But then they changed the September registration process. No longer are you guaranteed a "Spot" in Boston if you qualify. They only take the fastest qualifiers. So I had to wait until week 3 of registration to even try to sign up. Then I had to wait to see if I made the cut. I did so...
- I made up my training plan and continued the journey to Boston.
- Second, I am totally scared out of my mind and intimidated by this race! On my race packet it says, "There are many races, but only 1 Boston Marathon". How can I even think that I deserve to be a part of the field of runners that runs this race. I still feel like the novice runner I was in 2004 when I ran my first marathon. But I am not a novice runner. And now it is time for me to set some goals.
However... After discussing my grand plans with several runners who have run this race I have made a final decision for my goals.
I have worked hard to get here and may never have the chance to run it again. I don't want to regret not enjoying this race. Sometimes pushing the pace makes the race not fun and normally results in me getting sick. SO.... I plan to go an enjoy myself. I want to give people Hi-5s... I want to have fun... I want to talk and laugh with the other runners.... I want to finish and have a smile on my face..... I want to be able to walk back to my hotel.
So I have NO time goal! Gasp! I have no pace bracelet or no time in mind. The goal is to enjoy myself!
So here is the last week of training!
Monday was a tempo run!
It was HARD! I had 10 miles. 6 of those were at tempo pace. I warmed up 3 miles with Michelle then started the tempo pace. She had to get to work so she started heading back. About 2 miles into my tempo pace I see someone coming toward me. It is Jonathan. I was so happy that he turned around to run with me. He did the whole tempo part with me and was very encouraging. I think he thought I was going to die though... He kept asking if I was OK. I was, but it was just a hard run.
Tuesday I swam 1700... really nothing to say about that! Just a recovery day.
Wednesday was circuit! This is speed work with a twist! Five 1/2 mile repeats with strength training in between. And I was sore afterwards!
Thursday was a rest day! From training.
Friday was my pace run!
It was the perfect day to run! Goal was 10 miles at my marathon pace (8:29). Michelle came and ran with me. We finished up with 10 miles at an 8:21 pace. A bit fast.
Saturday was my last 20 miler!
When I got out of bed, I heard the pitter patter of rain hitting my window. Maybe it will stop? Ha!!! No such luck. I met several friends at 0600 to start my last 20. The goal was 20 miles at a nice "easy" 8:45 pace.
We first did the "BiLo" loop in the rain. This ended up being a little over 6 miles.
Then we met the rest of the group.
Troy had 15 miles
Erin had 18 miles
Siobhan had 20 miles
So we all hung out for that amount of miles. We discussed some mind tricks to stay strong during a run. Erin said she puts everything into the amount of time it would take to watch a certain TV program or movie. For example.... 7 miles = a TV episode of "Person of Interest" with the commercials. So at this point, we have less time running left than the movie "Hunger Games".
We all ran DOWN David Taylor in the rain! Got on the greenway and ran to the soccer fields. Still sorta raining. This gave us around 10 miles and Siobhan said we were half way done. So an hour and a half (approx) left or the time it would take to see 3 "Sponge bob" shows come on and go off. And I felt really good, even though we had been running under pace.... in the rain.
We turned down the Toby Creek extension... in the rain. Took a gel and continued to run back.
Got back to David Taylor and Troy turned off. That means I have a little over 5 miles left.... or an episode of "House"...without the commercials.... oh, and by the way, it was still raining.
about 2 miles later, Erin turns off and heads back. She only has to do 18 and we are around 17 miles. Wow! At this point, we are still going under the 8:45 pace but I am still OK. Tired, but OK. we hit mile 18 and Siobhan says, "Seinfeld, without the commercials". I know what she means... we have about 18 minutes left (at the most).
At mile 19 we get off the greenway (totally uphill.... I pretended it was Heartbreak Hill) and run the rest of the way in. The last mile was an 8:10.
Oh, and by the way.... it was still raining and I was soaked...and looked like I had been in a muddy cat fight. I had so much "chub rub" it wasn't even funny. My back, legs, and everywhere my clothes touched me was rubbed raw.
It is funny! After all that I look at my average pace for this 20 miler. The average pace was 8:29. My marathon pace. Interesting.
So now that I am done with my official training I start the taper. And taper madness. So I apologize in advance for everything I may say and/or do the next 2 weeks.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Learning to Balance -Week 13 of training
While training for this Boston marathon, I think the biggest lesson I have begun to learn is balance. I really try to take most things in stride. Trying to have fun along the way. I like to think that I am a pretty happy go lucky kinda person in most things.....
So... if I went to see a therapist, she would tell me that; "Everyone does something to feel like they have control in their life. I use running as a means to feel like I am in control."
However, I'm also smart enough to know that control is an illusion. I cannot even make my own heart beat. I have to totally depend on El Elyon to do this for me. Talk about a lack of control. I can't even make my own body do what it needs to do to LIVE! El Elyon is a Hebrew name for God, and means "most High" or "most high God" and is used to describe"the possessor of heaven and earth". He is in control, so I don't have to be.....
Now, I was a little freaked out, but Abigayle has always run high fevers when sick. However, while I was frantically working to get her cool, she looks at me and says that she cannot see or hear me. Then her pupils become wide and she goes into an unresponsive state. At this point, my life and hers starts flashing before my eyes... and I start yelling her name. This lasted only for 20 or 30 seconds, but it seemed like a lifetime. After, she comes out of it and seems like she is confused about my actions.... but she is fine.
The doctor said that her high fever most likely caused her to have a little seizure. This is what I expected, but it scared me to the point that when it was over, I was shaking uncontrollably.
Sunday night, she sleeps on the couch and I sleep on an air mattress right beside her. I wake up every 2 hours and alternate between Advil and Tylenol. Then the next day I continue checking and rechecking my sick little girls temp.
So needless to say.... Monday's training goes out the window... and I didn't even care. Glad it's a step back week!
Tuesday swimming comes around and I get in about 1000 slow meters. Abigayle is doing better, but I still keep her home from school because she is so tired and weak.
Wednesday is Hill Work and catch up at work.
I do 9xhill. Michelle and I run up and down hills until we cannot see straight! Training for Heartbreak Hill! But I'm tired and my allergies are making my lungs burn. However was able to do an 8:04 average pace.
Thursday is a rest day... from what I don't know.
Friday is my 12 mile Long Run!
I switched it to Friday because I am keeping students at my house for an event called Disciple Now Weekend. The students get to stay in different people's homes over the weekend while they attend a conference at the church.
Michelle and I run from the DOWD YMCA. Even though there is no pace prescribed for this run, we are churning out miles way too fast. It was HOT! Also, at the end, we realize that we need to add on some miles so we start cutting through neighborhoods. We ended up doing 13 miles, at an 8:21 pace, running out of water, and almost getting hit by 2 cars. But we had a good time!
Saturday I woke up...after getting to bed really late... made waffles for 6th grade boys....then tried to get motivated for 6 miles in the rain. It wasn't happening so I called my buddy Bree. We met and ran 6 miles together. I was chatting her up..... it was fun!
Well most things....except for running!
Now I love to run! I love being outside, I love the way it gives me clarity, I love how much I can eat.....However, for me, it is about the numbers. I love the numbers. The pace and the mileage numbers! I like a plan and I love to stick to it like my life depended on it. So... if I went to see a therapist, she would tell me that; "Everyone does something to feel like they have control in their life. I use running as a means to feel like I am in control."
However, I'm also smart enough to know that control is an illusion. I cannot even make my own heart beat. I have to totally depend on El Elyon to do this for me. Talk about a lack of control. I can't even make my own body do what it needs to do to LIVE! El Elyon is a Hebrew name for God, and means "most High" or "most high God" and is used to describe"the possessor of heaven and earth". He is in control, so I don't have to be.....
And it is He that teaches me balance!
And this is the way He did it this week!
Sunday morning my sweet Abigayle (14 year old daughter) woke up not feeling well. After assessing that she had a fever, I gave her some Advil, made her a bed on the couch and let her go back to sleep. Sunday was pretty uneventful. We did the Advil every 4 hours and everything seemed fine. Matt went on to church that night and about 6:00, I gave Abigayle another round of Advil. About an hour later, she asked if she could go to her own bed. So I let her and told her I would check on her in a few minutes. When I went to check on her, her fever had gone up to 104 degrees....well that is when I took the thermometer out. I quickly made her get out of bed and we started the process of trying to get the fever down with cool water. Now, I was a little freaked out, but Abigayle has always run high fevers when sick. However, while I was frantically working to get her cool, she looks at me and says that she cannot see or hear me. Then her pupils become wide and she goes into an unresponsive state. At this point, my life and hers starts flashing before my eyes... and I start yelling her name. This lasted only for 20 or 30 seconds, but it seemed like a lifetime. After, she comes out of it and seems like she is confused about my actions.... but she is fine.
The doctor said that her high fever most likely caused her to have a little seizure. This is what I expected, but it scared me to the point that when it was over, I was shaking uncontrollably.
Sunday night, she sleeps on the couch and I sleep on an air mattress right beside her. I wake up every 2 hours and alternate between Advil and Tylenol. Then the next day I continue checking and rechecking my sick little girls temp.
So needless to say.... Monday's training goes out the window... and I didn't even care. Glad it's a step back week!
Tuesday swimming comes around and I get in about 1000 slow meters. Abigayle is doing better, but I still keep her home from school because she is so tired and weak.
Wednesday is Hill Work and catch up at work.
I do 9xhill. Michelle and I run up and down hills until we cannot see straight! Training for Heartbreak Hill! But I'm tired and my allergies are making my lungs burn. However was able to do an 8:04 average pace.
Thursday is a rest day... from what I don't know.
Friday is my 12 mile Long Run!
I switched it to Friday because I am keeping students at my house for an event called Disciple Now Weekend. The students get to stay in different people's homes over the weekend while they attend a conference at the church.
Michelle and I run from the DOWD YMCA. Even though there is no pace prescribed for this run, we are churning out miles way too fast. It was HOT! Also, at the end, we realize that we need to add on some miles so we start cutting through neighborhoods. We ended up doing 13 miles, at an 8:21 pace, running out of water, and almost getting hit by 2 cars. But we had a good time!
Saturday I woke up...after getting to bed really late... made waffles for 6th grade boys....then tried to get motivated for 6 miles in the rain. It wasn't happening so I called my buddy Bree. We met and ran 6 miles together. I was chatting her up..... it was fun!
But with all the training and such... I would give up running the Boston marathon without even blinking an eye for my family!
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Sunday, March 18, 2012
What payback looks like! - Week 12 of training
This week marks the second monster week of running for me. It will end in a 20 mile run... the 2nd 20 miler of the training plan. I did 45.24 miles of running this week and most of them were really, really hard!
As most of you know, my 1/2 marathon went great last week. I felt great during the race and right after the race..... However, payback was coming. I guess I can't expect to run like that and go right into the hardest week of training I have had thus far.
SO here is how payback goes in my world of running!
It looks like sore muscles, stomach issues, tiredness, and lack of motivation!
Beware, this post isn't for the faint of heart. ;0)
Monday was 10 miles, 6 of it at tempo pace.
Michelle and I started out the run. I was going to run a 2 mile warm up, 6 miles at tempo pace, then 2 mile cool down. But my legs were tired! I was having trouble with my left leg feeling tight and turning over. Payback!
So at mile 2, I decided to do 1 more mile of warm up.... even though it was actually hot outside.
As soon as I finished my "warm up", I started into the faster miles. Goal was to maintain between a 7:43-8:03 pace. I ran the 1st mile, feeling good! 2nd mile, on pace but feeling a bit weird in the tummy. By mile 3, I knew I was having some serious stomach issues. OOOOHH NOT GOOD!
Just in case you don't know, I have stomach problems sometimes. The proper name is IBS and it never turns out well. Especially when I am out on the trail with no bathroom in sight. So I made the decision to try to finish what I started and try to hang onto some sort of pace. Not the smartest plan....but hey, at this point I only had 4 more miles to go! Four miles never felt so long. I am sure I was a sight but at this point, I didn't care. I painfully finished the run, kept the pace under an 8:00 minute mile for the tempo part, and mostly walked about a mile back to my car. Then I was sick the rest of the day. UGGG!
So Tuesday rolled around!
I met Bree at the NOMAD for a dreaded swim. I was NOT feeling it today. Was tired and sore from head to toe.
I swam 2000 meters in the cold pool. I don't think I ever warmed up. However, at the end of the swim, I did feel a bit better.
That night, we got the terrible news that a student in our church's youth group had been hit by a car... and it didn't look good. I felt like someone kicked me in the stomach. My girls are in the youth group with her and many tears were shed and many prayers were said for her that night into the wee hours of the morning. There was not much sleep.
Wednesday morning rolled in and the news did not get better. We got the call that Brittney (the student) did not make it. As my children woke up, they asked about her and we had to tell them the news. Brittney was in 12th grade... with her whole life ahead of her....and the first friend that was close to the age of my children to die. What do you do when you pray and the prayer is not answered how you thought it should be? You trust that God is in control.
We continued to pray for the family and started our day. I saw a few clients then in my "lunch break" I went to do the circuit. This is done at the gym and incorporates 1/2 mile repeats with strength training. Needless to say, I did not want to do it. But Boston is coming in about a month, and I have to finish this training. So I started. My quads were screaming at me and I actually had to slow down my speed repeats to a 7:17 pace, then I had to hold onto the treadmill as not to fly off the back.
Payback for the race!
After the 1st 2 repeats, I almost quit... but I decided to do 1 more and take them 1 at a time. I did finish the workout with 5 miles and lots of strength training, but I was wiped at the end.
Thursday was a rest day from training. I knew I would have to take it easy if I was going to finish my last 30 miles of the week!
Friday was a 10 mile pace run!
I was physically feeling a bit better. Matt and Bree volunteered to go downtown with me for this run. Matt and I drove to the DOWD YMCA and met Bree. They both were doing 6 miles and I had 10 so we started together then split up. All in all, this run went pretty good. I was able to see both Bree and Matt at different spots on the run and when I finished, they were waiting for me. My average pace for this hilly run was 8:26. I tried to let the down hills pull me and keep the effort the same on the up hills. It seemed to work.
Saturday was 20 miles!
I started this run at 0600. I did what we call the BiLo loop. This is about 5 miles. My stomach was acting up a bit again so I decides to go to the bathroom and take a gel before meeting the rest of the group.
Then I met up with all my UCRR buddies and we started running. The miles ticked off quickly and I was able to learn a lot of useful Baseball Stats from Jason and Troy! Then Michelle chimed in! WOW! I was clueless in this conversation but it was entertaining.
At mile 17, Michelle left and Troy said he would run me in. I knew we were pushing the pace, but I was just hanging on wanting to get it done. Troy, on the other hand, was chatting and singing "The Climb" as we ran up the last hill! When we finished, I looked to see the average pace was an 8:32 pace! And the temperature was 71 degrees!
I quickly ate a protein bar because my blood sugar was low and I was shaking. I knew I had to wait until it stabilized before I drove home. So I stood around chatting with everyone until I could safely operate a motor vehicle.
Then I took a shower, got my girls, and we went to Brittney's funeral. It was sad for all of us, but I know that she is with Jesus and would not want to come back.... So, as a believer in Christ, I find comfort in the fact that she is happy and I will see her again someday.
And Sunday is The Big Attic..... and I wake up to find my Abigayle is sick with some kind of bad cold/fever thing..... Oh NO!
As most of you know, my 1/2 marathon went great last week. I felt great during the race and right after the race..... However, payback was coming. I guess I can't expect to run like that and go right into the hardest week of training I have had thus far.
SO here is how payback goes in my world of running!
It looks like sore muscles, stomach issues, tiredness, and lack of motivation!
Beware, this post isn't for the faint of heart. ;0)
Monday was 10 miles, 6 of it at tempo pace.
Michelle and I started out the run. I was going to run a 2 mile warm up, 6 miles at tempo pace, then 2 mile cool down. But my legs were tired! I was having trouble with my left leg feeling tight and turning over. Payback!
So at mile 2, I decided to do 1 more mile of warm up.... even though it was actually hot outside.
As soon as I finished my "warm up", I started into the faster miles. Goal was to maintain between a 7:43-8:03 pace. I ran the 1st mile, feeling good! 2nd mile, on pace but feeling a bit weird in the tummy. By mile 3, I knew I was having some serious stomach issues. OOOOHH NOT GOOD!
Just in case you don't know, I have stomach problems sometimes. The proper name is IBS and it never turns out well. Especially when I am out on the trail with no bathroom in sight. So I made the decision to try to finish what I started and try to hang onto some sort of pace. Not the smartest plan....but hey, at this point I only had 4 more miles to go! Four miles never felt so long. I am sure I was a sight but at this point, I didn't care. I painfully finished the run, kept the pace under an 8:00 minute mile for the tempo part, and mostly walked about a mile back to my car. Then I was sick the rest of the day. UGGG!
So Tuesday rolled around!
I met Bree at the NOMAD for a dreaded swim. I was NOT feeling it today. Was tired and sore from head to toe.
I swam 2000 meters in the cold pool. I don't think I ever warmed up. However, at the end of the swim, I did feel a bit better.
That night, we got the terrible news that a student in our church's youth group had been hit by a car... and it didn't look good. I felt like someone kicked me in the stomach. My girls are in the youth group with her and many tears were shed and many prayers were said for her that night into the wee hours of the morning. There was not much sleep.
Wednesday morning rolled in and the news did not get better. We got the call that Brittney (the student) did not make it. As my children woke up, they asked about her and we had to tell them the news. Brittney was in 12th grade... with her whole life ahead of her....and the first friend that was close to the age of my children to die. What do you do when you pray and the prayer is not answered how you thought it should be? You trust that God is in control.
We continued to pray for the family and started our day. I saw a few clients then in my "lunch break" I went to do the circuit. This is done at the gym and incorporates 1/2 mile repeats with strength training. Needless to say, I did not want to do it. But Boston is coming in about a month, and I have to finish this training. So I started. My quads were screaming at me and I actually had to slow down my speed repeats to a 7:17 pace, then I had to hold onto the treadmill as not to fly off the back.
Payback for the race!
After the 1st 2 repeats, I almost quit... but I decided to do 1 more and take them 1 at a time. I did finish the workout with 5 miles and lots of strength training, but I was wiped at the end.
Thursday was a rest day from training. I knew I would have to take it easy if I was going to finish my last 30 miles of the week!
Friday was a 10 mile pace run!
I was physically feeling a bit better. Matt and Bree volunteered to go downtown with me for this run. Matt and I drove to the DOWD YMCA and met Bree. They both were doing 6 miles and I had 10 so we started together then split up. All in all, this run went pretty good. I was able to see both Bree and Matt at different spots on the run and when I finished, they were waiting for me. My average pace for this hilly run was 8:26. I tried to let the down hills pull me and keep the effort the same on the up hills. It seemed to work.
Saturday was 20 miles!
I started this run at 0600. I did what we call the BiLo loop. This is about 5 miles. My stomach was acting up a bit again so I decides to go to the bathroom and take a gel before meeting the rest of the group.
Then I met up with all my UCRR buddies and we started running. The miles ticked off quickly and I was able to learn a lot of useful Baseball Stats from Jason and Troy! Then Michelle chimed in! WOW! I was clueless in this conversation but it was entertaining.
At mile 17, Michelle left and Troy said he would run me in. I knew we were pushing the pace, but I was just hanging on wanting to get it done. Troy, on the other hand, was chatting and singing "The Climb" as we ran up the last hill! When we finished, I looked to see the average pace was an 8:32 pace! And the temperature was 71 degrees!
I quickly ate a protein bar because my blood sugar was low and I was shaking. I knew I had to wait until it stabilized before I drove home. So I stood around chatting with everyone until I could safely operate a motor vehicle.
Then I took a shower, got my girls, and we went to Brittney's funeral. It was sad for all of us, but I know that she is with Jesus and would not want to come back.... So, as a believer in Christ, I find comfort in the fact that she is happy and I will see her again someday.
And Sunday is The Big Attic..... and I wake up to find my Abigayle is sick with some kind of bad cold/fever thing..... Oh NO!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Corporate Cup 1/2 Marathon Report - week 11
This weeks training wasn't all that exciting. I only ran about 24 miles. This is because I took this week as a step back week in my training. There are several reasons this was done.
Tuesday, I swam an easy 1500.
Wednesday I changed the hill work to 5 miles with a few faster strides.
Thursday, I swam 1700 good quality miles.
Friday, I rested from exercise.
Saturday I completed the 1/2!
So let me start from the beginning.
I normally don't talk about my job. This isn't because I don't like it. It is because I am a mental health therapist and everything I do I confidential. That means that no one knows who I see or what they tell me. I am a great secrete keeper! :0) I see a variety of people. However, I mainly step in when something isn't going well with a family. So I spend a lot of my time with children and teens.
I absolutely LOVE what I do, but it is stressful. I deal with my stress by running. So I have all my medals hanging in my office. Children love this. They always ask me about them, want to touch them, and want to take one home. However, I have never let a child have a medal until recently. She didn't ask to have a medal. She asked me if I could run a race for her and give her my medal. At her young age, she has been through (and seen) things that no one should have to go through or see. Her circumstances keep me up at night, so I said yes. I chose the Corporate Cup 1/2 to be her race.
I had planned to race this 1/2, however, my voice of reason (named Michelle) explained that I needed to figure out what was my "A" race.....This 1/2 or Boston. Well Boston is my "A" race.. So this race would be a fun and I chose not to run it all out. I thank Michelle for her wisdom! :0)
So the goal for this race was to pray for this little girl, thank every police officer on the course, and to have fun!!!
Saturday morning came.
As normal, I got up and spent time with my Lord. I had a peanut butter and banana sandwich, peed several times, then hopped in the car with Michelle and went to the race.
Our church also had a group running in this race and another 5k in Charlotte. So what better way to show up at a race but by wearing the same shirt. The shirt has a big +1 on the front. This means that we are here to help people with physical, emotion, and spiritual needs, one at a time. For example, we have been going into the community helping people clean up, get food, and clothing after a recent tornado in our area. Helping 1 person at a time.
We take a quick picture and head to the starting line. I peed at least 4 times, but when we started the race, I had to pee again. But I would have to think about that later....
The Race!
My plan was to take this race 3 miles at a time!
The 1st 3 miles.
I used these miles as a warm up. I didn't want to go out to fast so I just tried to ease into it. I felt good and really didn't feel like I was pushing.
Then the 5k people turned off. The funniest thing about these miles was a little boy (about 9 years old) who was running the 5k. He did not want me and Michelle to pass him. He would speed up every time we got too close. We begged him to just stay with us and keep a steady pace... But he did not want to take the chance we would finish first. No worries little buddy, we are doing the 1/2.
Miles 4, 5, 6
These miles were just to get into the groove. Getting into a good pace. We passed Michelle's car and contemplated going and getting coffee. But for some reason we didn't. We had several people want to join the coffee excursion. So it would have been fun. :0) Right at mile 6 we took a gel. I quickly realized I did not drink enough water with the gel, but it wasn't too bad. At mile 8 we should pass another water stop.
Miles 7, 8, 9
Somewhere around mile 7 we see a friend running. She was struggling because she had a fever the night before. So she was sick and it took me 7 miles to catch her! Wow! This is where the real hills begin. I try not to think too far ahead so as not to get overwhelmed. The miles were click'n off and I felt great. I even told Michelle that I was surprised at how good I felt. However, I was waiting to see when the race would get hard.... as it always does.
Mile 10, 11, 12
At this point, I knew I would PR. I felt so good! As I started up Morehead, I almost got overwhelmed. I was thinking about my little client and started to cry! I knew this would do me no good because I still had about 2 miles to go and they were straight up Morehead! So I sucked it up and kicked it in. Up to this point, there was no wall and I was glad I didn't have another 13.1 more miles to go!
8:02 -going up, up, up!
Mile 13!
This was my fastest mile! I smiled all the way in. I knew I had given it a good go! I could have gone faster and further, but I feel like I raced smart and had a good time. 7:52!!! Up to the finish line! As I passed through the line, at 1:47.25, I knew I would be proud to give this medal away! I had a great race! I finished strong! I PRed! I even came in 4th out of 54 in my age group!! I thanked every police officer and volunteer on the course. And I had more to give!
I can't wait to see what Boston holds. I hope it is a day like today. :0)
- This is what the plan called for! At this point, every other week of training is a step back week until I get to my training.
- After last week's 40 something miles, I am tired!!!
- I am running a 1/2 marathon on Saturday! I still did the scheduled runs, they were just shorter and slower to help me recover enough to run 13.1 miles on Saturday.
Tuesday, I swam an easy 1500.
Wednesday I changed the hill work to 5 miles with a few faster strides.
Thursday, I swam 1700 good quality miles.
Friday, I rested from exercise.
Saturday I completed the 1/2!
So let me start from the beginning.
I normally don't talk about my job. This isn't because I don't like it. It is because I am a mental health therapist and everything I do I confidential. That means that no one knows who I see or what they tell me. I am a great secrete keeper! :0) I see a variety of people. However, I mainly step in when something isn't going well with a family. So I spend a lot of my time with children and teens.
I absolutely LOVE what I do, but it is stressful. I deal with my stress by running. So I have all my medals hanging in my office. Children love this. They always ask me about them, want to touch them, and want to take one home. However, I have never let a child have a medal until recently. She didn't ask to have a medal. She asked me if I could run a race for her and give her my medal. At her young age, she has been through (and seen) things that no one should have to go through or see. Her circumstances keep me up at night, so I said yes. I chose the Corporate Cup 1/2 to be her race.
I had planned to race this 1/2, however, my voice of reason (named Michelle) explained that I needed to figure out what was my "A" race.....This 1/2 or Boston. Well Boston is my "A" race.. So this race would be a fun and I chose not to run it all out. I thank Michelle for her wisdom! :0)
So the goal for this race was to pray for this little girl, thank every police officer on the course, and to have fun!!!
Saturday morning came.
As normal, I got up and spent time with my Lord. I had a peanut butter and banana sandwich, peed several times, then hopped in the car with Michelle and went to the race.
Our church also had a group running in this race and another 5k in Charlotte. So what better way to show up at a race but by wearing the same shirt. The shirt has a big +1 on the front. This means that we are here to help people with physical, emotion, and spiritual needs, one at a time. For example, we have been going into the community helping people clean up, get food, and clothing after a recent tornado in our area. Helping 1 person at a time.
We take a quick picture and head to the starting line. I peed at least 4 times, but when we started the race, I had to pee again. But I would have to think about that later....
The Race!
My plan was to take this race 3 miles at a time!
The 1st 3 miles.
I used these miles as a warm up. I didn't want to go out to fast so I just tried to ease into it. I felt good and really didn't feel like I was pushing.
Then the 5k people turned off. The funniest thing about these miles was a little boy (about 9 years old) who was running the 5k. He did not want me and Michelle to pass him. He would speed up every time we got too close. We begged him to just stay with us and keep a steady pace... But he did not want to take the chance we would finish first. No worries little buddy, we are doing the 1/2.
Miles 4, 5, 6
These miles were just to get into the groove. Getting into a good pace. We passed Michelle's car and contemplated going and getting coffee. But for some reason we didn't. We had several people want to join the coffee excursion. So it would have been fun. :0) Right at mile 6 we took a gel. I quickly realized I did not drink enough water with the gel, but it wasn't too bad. At mile 8 we should pass another water stop.
Miles 7, 8, 9
Somewhere around mile 7 we see a friend running. She was struggling because she had a fever the night before. So she was sick and it took me 7 miles to catch her! Wow! This is where the real hills begin. I try not to think too far ahead so as not to get overwhelmed. The miles were click'n off and I felt great. I even told Michelle that I was surprised at how good I felt. However, I was waiting to see when the race would get hard.... as it always does.
Mile 10, 11, 12
At this point, I knew I would PR. I felt so good! As I started up Morehead, I almost got overwhelmed. I was thinking about my little client and started to cry! I knew this would do me no good because I still had about 2 miles to go and they were straight up Morehead! So I sucked it up and kicked it in. Up to this point, there was no wall and I was glad I didn't have another 13.1 more miles to go!
8:02 -going up, up, up!
Mile 13!
This was my fastest mile! I smiled all the way in. I knew I had given it a good go! I could have gone faster and further, but I feel like I raced smart and had a good time. 7:52!!! Up to the finish line! As I passed through the line, at 1:47.25, I knew I would be proud to give this medal away! I had a great race! I finished strong! I PRed! I even came in 4th out of 54 in my age group!! I thanked every police officer and volunteer on the course. And I had more to give!
I can't wait to see what Boston holds. I hope it is a day like today. :0)
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Week 10 - 2/27/12 - 3/3/12
This week marks the beginning of my monster runs! My 20 milers. From here on out, I will be completing 20 mile runs every other week. By the end of March, I will have completed 3 twenty milers and will begin my taper.... Good grief, this marathon is getting close.
I also started reading Jeff Galloway's book, Marathon, this week. Currently, I do not follow his run/walk plan in the marathon but I found his insight into mental preparation intriguing. If you have ever run any distance, you know that running is not only physical. It is also mental. I know that at each starting line I stand, I have always been physically prepared. However, there are times I have stood at that starting line and mentally, I was not prepared. These are the marathons I have bombed! So I thought it would be good to start preparing, mentally, to run Boston.
In the chapter titled, "The Power Of Rehearsal", Galloway talks about the Left Brain vrs the Right Brain (p. 93). He says that the left part of your brain is the logical part. It is the part that will start telling you that you are crazy as you stand at the starting line. It is the part that sends the negative messages that make you want to go back to your warm bed and forget the crazy notion of running 26.2 miles. The purpose is for self preservation. Running 26.2 miles is crazy and your left brain knows this.
However, at this point in time, I have been through too much to turn back. So, as crazy as it is, I will choose to shut the left brain off and run. This is accomplished by actively engaging the right brain. Your creative part of the brain. He gives some suggestions such as:
I also would like to add a few more thoughts to this though....
Monday was a pace run:
Goal was to get in 10 miles with 4 being at my marathon pace. It was wet and rainy when we started and despite my long sleeves and tights, I was cold. I am sure 4 miles of my marathon pace was in the run somewhere. However, they were not all consistently together. Michelle did this run with me and we had to reroute, dodge trucks on the greenway, and tiptoe through mud. My average moving pace was 8:31 and it took me 1:34.14 total time.
I also miscalculated and accidentally did 11 miles. That's going to leave a mark! Someone said that it is better that I went long than to come up short. However, this is not true during the "Monster Weeks". Doing more mileage than the plan calls for does not help. It will only make you more tired when you enter the weekend long run.
After the run, I felt great. Nothing was hurting and I wasn't even that tired. I went home, did some paperwork on the computer for my job, then got up to go pick up the girls from school. When I stepped down on my left foot, I almost hit the ground. The pain that radiated through my foot and into my leg was almost unbearable. My neuroma was back!!! I wasn't all that worried though. If I could just get through the day, I would call the doctor to set up another shot! GRRR! I wanted to put the shot off as long as I could though. This last one lasted about 9 weeks so I knew the longer I waited, the better.
Tuesday Swim
I swam 1500 today. It was slow going but I was just trying to help my muscles recover from yesterdays run. My foot was no longer hurting, but was tender. I could feel the nerve, but it seemed OK. If it hurt Wednesday, I was going to bag the circuit run and go get my shot. I told Matt to pray and I started praying as well.
I also decided that I'm tired of being dehydrated...so I upped my drinking (of H2O). I filled up a milk jug (16 cups of water) and drank 14 cups of it.
Wednesday was Circuit
I do this on the soft dreadmills at the Simmon's YMCA. When I got up, my foot was good. I decided to go try the run and see what happens. As I started running, I could sort feel something...but I think it was my foot hurting because I had been walking weird on it.
Because of all my water drinking, I took an electrolyte pill. This was an AWESOME run!
Circuit consists of a 1.5 mile warm up, 5Xhalf mile repeats (at a 7:13 pace - 8.3 on the dreadmill), and a 1 mile cool down. During the repeats, I do crazy strength training stuff. It is so AWESOME with a total of 5 miles!!! Then I went to work and saw clients until 2000!
Tomorrow I will start taking my resting heart rate. I do this so I know it I am over training! The procedure is as follows: before I get up, I take my heart rate for a minute. I do this a few times and take the average so it will be more accurate.
Thursday was a rest day. I'm glad it was because I saw clients from 0800-1800. I was tired at the end of this day.
My resting heart rate was 47! I also drank about 13 cups of water.
Friday was my short long run.
Resting HR: 40!
The goal was to do 10 miles. Just run 10 miles. I woke up to thunder storms and was wondering if I was going to have to complete this run on the dreadmill. Matt and I dropped off the girls at school then headed to the DOWN Y to start. By the time we got there the storms were gone. It was still rainy but not thundering. Took an electrolyte pill and I headed out to start my run. I LOVED this run. I did not take music and tried not to look at my garmin. I did not worry about pace.
I love to talk to God when I run. I prayed for 10.12 miles (Averaging an 8:52 pace with a total time of 1:29.42). It is amazing how quickly the time passes and how wonderful the run is when I get my focus off of me.
After the run, I went to visit a friend in the hospital. She is our "Woolly Lamb" in our Sunday show. She is one of the sweetest people I know.
Then I went home, took a shower and put on my compression socks for the rest of the day.
I drank 14 cups of water!
Saturday was my 20 miler!
Resting heart rate was 37! I thought this was low so I took it more than normal!
Storms rolled through the Charlotte area all night. We lost power several times. My dog and my 11yo ended up in the bed with me and Matt. So needless to say, I did not get a lot of sleep. When I woke up at 0500, it was still storming. I decided to push my 0630 run back to 0900.
Michelle was going to meet me for some of the run so I thought it may be a good idea to go a bit early and get a few miles in. I started running at 0840 and got 2 whole miles in before meeting up with Michelle and starting our run. My Legs were tired, but not sore and the plan was around a 9:00 average pace.
Michelle ended up running with me until I got to mile 13. I knew she was leaving and I had 7 more miles to go....I was tired, and had a fierce headache! So bad I had to take some Advil.
I also started reading Jeff Galloway's book, Marathon, this week. Currently, I do not follow his run/walk plan in the marathon but I found his insight into mental preparation intriguing. If you have ever run any distance, you know that running is not only physical. It is also mental. I know that at each starting line I stand, I have always been physically prepared. However, there are times I have stood at that starting line and mentally, I was not prepared. These are the marathons I have bombed! So I thought it would be good to start preparing, mentally, to run Boston.
In the chapter titled, "The Power Of Rehearsal", Galloway talks about the Left Brain vrs the Right Brain (p. 93). He says that the left part of your brain is the logical part. It is the part that will start telling you that you are crazy as you stand at the starting line. It is the part that sends the negative messages that make you want to go back to your warm bed and forget the crazy notion of running 26.2 miles. The purpose is for self preservation. Running 26.2 miles is crazy and your left brain knows this.
However, at this point in time, I have been through too much to turn back. So, as crazy as it is, I will choose to shut the left brain off and run. This is accomplished by actively engaging the right brain. Your creative part of the brain. He gives some suggestions such as:
- "Diffuse the stress by saying that your not going to push yourself." Focus on the fun and how easy it will be.
- "Focus on the positive effect of your marathon experience." How has this changed you...how focused you are....how you are a better person because of it.
- "Gain a vision of yourself crossing the finish line." Think about the feeling you will have, the medal around your neck.
- "Walk or jog around." This helps with relaxation and engages your right brain.
- "Tell a joke." Laughing helps to engage the right brain.
- "Have a number of positive success stories." In training, from others, from other races....I will draw on when I qualified for the race! :)
- Breaking the race down into smaller events that are not challenging is helpful.
- Rehearse the marathon in your mind, and envision yourself doing well even when tired.
I also would like to add a few more thoughts to this though....
- I have a friend that says, " Your body can handle so much more pain than you think." This is true, so don't be afraid to push.
- The more you accept the pain of the marathon, the better you will endure it. The left brain is right. Running 26.2 miles is hard and somewhat hurts. If I am to do well, I just need to accept this.
- If it were easy, everyone would do it.
- I am the one who puts pressure on myself.... no one else does. So just go out and enjoy the Boston experience.
Monday was a pace run:
Goal was to get in 10 miles with 4 being at my marathon pace. It was wet and rainy when we started and despite my long sleeves and tights, I was cold. I am sure 4 miles of my marathon pace was in the run somewhere. However, they were not all consistently together. Michelle did this run with me and we had to reroute, dodge trucks on the greenway, and tiptoe through mud. My average moving pace was 8:31 and it took me 1:34.14 total time.
I also miscalculated and accidentally did 11 miles. That's going to leave a mark! Someone said that it is better that I went long than to come up short. However, this is not true during the "Monster Weeks". Doing more mileage than the plan calls for does not help. It will only make you more tired when you enter the weekend long run.
After the run, I felt great. Nothing was hurting and I wasn't even that tired. I went home, did some paperwork on the computer for my job, then got up to go pick up the girls from school. When I stepped down on my left foot, I almost hit the ground. The pain that radiated through my foot and into my leg was almost unbearable. My neuroma was back!!! I wasn't all that worried though. If I could just get through the day, I would call the doctor to set up another shot! GRRR! I wanted to put the shot off as long as I could though. This last one lasted about 9 weeks so I knew the longer I waited, the better.
Tuesday Swim
I swam 1500 today. It was slow going but I was just trying to help my muscles recover from yesterdays run. My foot was no longer hurting, but was tender. I could feel the nerve, but it seemed OK. If it hurt Wednesday, I was going to bag the circuit run and go get my shot. I told Matt to pray and I started praying as well.
I also decided that I'm tired of being dehydrated...so I upped my drinking (of H2O). I filled up a milk jug (16 cups of water) and drank 14 cups of it.
Wednesday was Circuit
I do this on the soft dreadmills at the Simmon's YMCA. When I got up, my foot was good. I decided to go try the run and see what happens. As I started running, I could sort feel something...but I think it was my foot hurting because I had been walking weird on it.
Because of all my water drinking, I took an electrolyte pill. This was an AWESOME run!
Circuit consists of a 1.5 mile warm up, 5Xhalf mile repeats (at a 7:13 pace - 8.3 on the dreadmill), and a 1 mile cool down. During the repeats, I do crazy strength training stuff. It is so AWESOME with a total of 5 miles!!! Then I went to work and saw clients until 2000!
Tomorrow I will start taking my resting heart rate. I do this so I know it I am over training! The procedure is as follows: before I get up, I take my heart rate for a minute. I do this a few times and take the average so it will be more accurate.
Thursday was a rest day. I'm glad it was because I saw clients from 0800-1800. I was tired at the end of this day.
My resting heart rate was 47! I also drank about 13 cups of water.
Friday was my short long run.
Resting HR: 40!
The goal was to do 10 miles. Just run 10 miles. I woke up to thunder storms and was wondering if I was going to have to complete this run on the dreadmill. Matt and I dropped off the girls at school then headed to the DOWN Y to start. By the time we got there the storms were gone. It was still rainy but not thundering. Took an electrolyte pill and I headed out to start my run. I LOVED this run. I did not take music and tried not to look at my garmin. I did not worry about pace.
I love to talk to God when I run. I prayed for 10.12 miles (Averaging an 8:52 pace with a total time of 1:29.42). It is amazing how quickly the time passes and how wonderful the run is when I get my focus off of me.
After the run, I went to visit a friend in the hospital. She is our "Woolly Lamb" in our Sunday show. She is one of the sweetest people I know.
Then I went home, took a shower and put on my compression socks for the rest of the day.
I drank 14 cups of water!
Saturday was my 20 miler!
Resting heart rate was 37! I thought this was low so I took it more than normal!
Storms rolled through the Charlotte area all night. We lost power several times. My dog and my 11yo ended up in the bed with me and Matt. So needless to say, I did not get a lot of sleep. When I woke up at 0500, it was still storming. I decided to push my 0630 run back to 0900.
Michelle was going to meet me for some of the run so I thought it may be a good idea to go a bit early and get a few miles in. I started running at 0840 and got 2 whole miles in before meeting up with Michelle and starting our run. My Legs were tired, but not sore and the plan was around a 9:00 average pace.
Michelle ended up running with me until I got to mile 13. I knew she was leaving and I had 7 more miles to go....I was tired, and had a fierce headache! So bad I had to take some Advil.
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Me getting ready to go back out for 7 more miles! |
However, I engaged my right brain by pretending I had not run yet. I told Michelle that I was going to go out and just run 7 miles. And that is what I did. It was actually a great run.
I was tired at the end but that is to be expected. I completed this run in 2:54.03 with an average 8:42 pace. 20 miler #1 DONE!
Next week is a step back week and I run a half marathon!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Week 9 - 2/19/12 - 2/26/12
After I reread my last weeks post I noticed how boring it was. I do want to apologize, but that is how training goes. I am over half way through my training program and now entering the really high miles. To read about the training isn't really that exciting. In fact, it's almost boring. However, to actually do the training is another story! To do the training takes everything inside you to keep going.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE training for a race. I love the discipline, I love knowing what I am to do every day, but most of all I love the running. But to do each run I must recover. The recovery is where you get stronger. The run itself just breaks you down... but if you recover, you are stronger because of it.
On Sunday, I was surprised that I wasn't sore at all! A little tired, but not sore.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE training for a race. I love the discipline, I love knowing what I am to do every day, but most of all I love the running. But to do each run I must recover. The recovery is where you get stronger. The run itself just breaks you down... but if you recover, you are stronger because of it.
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Foam roller, compression socks, & PJs |
When I get into the high miles, I need to recover quickly, so I have a few items that help with that.
- Foam roller! All I can say is this thing needs to take me out to dinner or something because I spend a lot of time with it. The concept is simple. Roll it up and down the part of your body that hurts. It is great to get out knots, and loosen up your IT Band!
- Compression Socks! I wear these all the time! They help my legs (mainly my calf muscles) recover. I run up on my toes, so my calf muscles get a beating.
- Last but not least, my Pajamas! It is important to get enough rest all the time, but especially in training.
I ran just over 43 miles this week, so here is the break down....of the miles, not of my mental state. =) That's for another blog.
9 miles of total running, 7.4 of this at tempo pace (btwn 7:43-8:03). My girls were out of school today and the weather was a bit bad the night before, so I decided to do this run a little later than planned. This meant that I would be doing this run alone, but I'm glad I did start later, because the bridges were still icy when I went out at 1000.
Plan was simple: run down David Taylor, to the greenway, take the new Toby Creek extension, and finish back UP David Taylor for my cool down. Everything always looks so much better in writing. My pace was good, I felt good but I still had to finish up DT in a very tired state of mind. But I did it. I even saw a good friend on the greenway and he ran the last .5 of my tempo pace with me. This was a great run and the weather was just beautiful. I actually could have worn shorts or a skirt instead of my tights. I was a bit warm while I was doing my "fast miles".
Tuesday Swim
I swam 1700 meters today. We warmed up and then did 75s. I could tell I was tired. I know this because I could not get my breathing to even out and my heart rate was high. So while Michelle was going through the water like a beautiful mermaid, I was swimming like a cow of the sea. Ha! Ha! Moo!
Good grief! This was 8xhill. That means I run up hill 8 times....
Who wrote this stinking training plan? Oh, I did!
Michelle and I warmed up a few miles then found the most menacing hill we could find and ran up and down it 7 times. Then we ran to another hill and ran up it. I think this ended being about 6.5 miles.
Thursday is a day of rest! Well from running anyway! I had to clean my house, before going into work. The carpet attachment to my vacuum broke, so I ended up vacuuming the whole house with the bare floor attachment. That was a workout! But you gotta do what you gotta do! I have a dog and there was no choice but to vacuum.
Today I met up with Holly and Michelle and we ran 9 miles at my marathon pace (or a bit faster). The goal was 8:29 but we ended up averaging right under this pace. We did the same route I did Monday.
Who's idea was this? Oh, mine. I guess I can never have too much David Taylor!
Wow! It was warm! I had on a skirt and tank and sweat was pouring off of me. I don't glisten, I sweat! I decided to take water and Gatorade with me. I'm glad I did because I was crusted with salt when I finished. I am trying to get used to drinking the Gatorade because I think it will help me stay hydrated better.
Today was 19 miles of cold and wind! How the weather can change in a day. I decided to do this run down town. I started at the DOWD YMCA and planned to run 3 alone, come back to car, meet Michelle, run the Corporate Cup course (13 miles) with her, come back to car, Michelle leaves, then I run 3 more alone. 19 miles doesn't seem as long when I break it up like this, well at least on paper.
Who wrote this training plan? Man, I must be insane!
So at 0635 I was chugging along to get my 1st 3 miles in. The squirrels must have had it out for me. They kept throwing their little nasty bodies at me. But this did not deter me! I was focused!
At 0700, Michelle and I went back out and started on the course. The wind was fierce! The only way I can describe it was that it took my breath away, and it chilled me to the bone. I was wet with sweat and could feel it hitting me. Yes, I still sweat in the freezing cold! We ran and ran and ran..... Near the end of the course, she suggested we add on a little. So we did a little mile loop to get in some more mileage. When we got back to the DOWD, I was at 17 miles. This means I only had 2 more to go. Yeah!
But here's the problem. Go back to around mile 15. The top of my left foot started hurting a little so I retied my shoe so it wasn't very tight. Well I think this slightly changed my foot strike, due to my shoe being looser than normal. So my IT Band starts protesting. These last 2 miles were a form of torcher that I have never incountered. I could feel my ITB rubbing my knee wrong and locking up. By mile 18, I was having a really hard time getting my left leg to turn over. I am sure I looked pathetic. I did finish, but it hurt! It hurt bad!
Got back to my car, drank my chocolate almond milk, tons of water, and called Matt to tell him I was finished. Then went home to face the foam roller! ![]() |
Spot showing off his socks! |
But Spot did wear his compression socks. :0) ---->---->
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Week 8 - 2/12/12 - 2/18/12
So week 8 of my training was the first time I have ever run as a 40 year old. I turned 40 on 2/12/12 so I entered into a new age group and era of running. I'm hoping this age group will be less competitive and I can win some bling this year.... but we will see. I just need to get my body to cooperate with me so I can run Boston!
Week 8 also is a stepback week. After last week's 38+ miles, I had 2 issues going into this week.
Monday was a tempo run!
9 miles, 5 being at tempo pace...Today was COLD! I had so many clothes on and still, my normal 2 mile warm up did not suffice. So I added on 1 more mile for the warm up. After the "warm up" I reluctantly upped the pace. Mile 4, 6, 7, and 8 were right on target. However, mile 5 was an 8:20. I just couldn't get the push off I needed to keep the pace up. I was on a muddy trail so I figured this was the problem. Once I got back on the paved trail, I was golden! Then I took the last mile for a cool down!
Tuesday was swimming
I always use this as a recovery day. The swimming helps my tired muscles recover better. This particular day, however was Valentines Day and my Abigayle's birthday. Yes, I had my first baby on Valentine's Day. So I felt rushed and never really got into my workout. I cut it short about 500 so I only got in 1500 meters.
Wednesday was Circuit!
This is always hard and painful.... but in a good way. ;o)
I have included my heart rate data for this run!
I warmed up 2 miles, cooled down 1 mile, and ran at a 7:13 mile per minute for 3.5 miles (in half mile increments). In between the half mile repeats, I did strength training.
I'm going to feel this in the morning!
Thursday was a "rest day" from working out.... So me and Michelle went to Lulu Lemon! Woot! Woot!
Friday was my "long run"
I only had 12 miles today but I felt like I did 26.2. I started the run sore and tired from the Wednesday morning Circuit.... and staying up late to read....
The run was uneventful and fun. I was wore my pink Lulu skirt and a matching pink shirt I purchased just yesterday. Wow, I don't think I have EVER had on that much pink before. I was really pink, but the outfit was comfortable.... I may wear this for the marathon. You couldn't miss me, but it may be too much!
Saturday was 6 miles recovery!
This was a recovery run. I dropped off Abigayle at swim practice, went and ran 6 hilly miles, then went to Maggie's basket ball game. I ran the hills of Highland Creek! Those are a BEAST! Maybe this is where I need to do hill work!
So, this week was a bit over 33 miles....and next week is coming. I start the really long runs next week.
I'm Scared!
Week 8 also is a stepback week. After last week's 38+ miles, I had 2 issues going into this week.
- I was so tired that I wanted to sleep instead of run (but that may be due to the book I have been staying up late to read)
- I ate EVERYTHING in sight! No really....anything I could get my hands on!
Monday was a tempo run!
9 miles, 5 being at tempo pace...Today was COLD! I had so many clothes on and still, my normal 2 mile warm up did not suffice. So I added on 1 more mile for the warm up. After the "warm up" I reluctantly upped the pace. Mile 4, 6, 7, and 8 were right on target. However, mile 5 was an 8:20. I just couldn't get the push off I needed to keep the pace up. I was on a muddy trail so I figured this was the problem. Once I got back on the paved trail, I was golden! Then I took the last mile for a cool down!
Tuesday was swimming
I always use this as a recovery day. The swimming helps my tired muscles recover better. This particular day, however was Valentines Day and my Abigayle's birthday. Yes, I had my first baby on Valentine's Day. So I felt rushed and never really got into my workout. I cut it short about 500 so I only got in 1500 meters.
Wednesday was Circuit!
This is always hard and painful.... but in a good way. ;o)
I have included my heart rate data for this run!
I warmed up 2 miles, cooled down 1 mile, and ran at a 7:13 mile per minute for 3.5 miles (in half mile increments). In between the half mile repeats, I did strength training.
I'm going to feel this in the morning!
Thursday was a "rest day" from working out.... So me and Michelle went to Lulu Lemon! Woot! Woot!
Friday was my "long run"
I only had 12 miles today but I felt like I did 26.2. I started the run sore and tired from the Wednesday morning Circuit.... and staying up late to read....
The run was uneventful and fun. I was wore my pink Lulu skirt and a matching pink shirt I purchased just yesterday. Wow, I don't think I have EVER had on that much pink before. I was really pink, but the outfit was comfortable.... I may wear this for the marathon. You couldn't miss me, but it may be too much!
Saturday was 6 miles recovery!
This was a recovery run. I dropped off Abigayle at swim practice, went and ran 6 hilly miles, then went to Maggie's basket ball game. I ran the hills of Highland Creek! Those are a BEAST! Maybe this is where I need to do hill work!
So, this week was a bit over 33 miles....and next week is coming. I start the really long runs next week.
I'm Scared!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Week 7 - 2/5/12-2/11/12
Kellie Pickler sings the country song "Tough". I love this song and have it on my marathon play list. In fact, I have it on the special play list that I have affectionately named "Hard Times". This is the play list that is called upon to get me those last few miles. It helps me get in my head that I can handle more pain than I think. It helps me break through the wall. It helps me to feel "Tough"!
Here are the words:
Now.... running a marathon takes a bit of "tough"! But not just physically. After mile 20, for me, it is more mental than physical. So I start playing mind games! I start telling myself I am Tough. I can finish this race. I envision the finish line. I start going deep inside myself to pull whatever I have left out to finish this race.
But training for a marathon also takes a bit of "Tough". Training is created to break your body down so it will build back up with more "Tough"! This week I ran almost 40 miles, ending with a double long run of 17 miles on Friday and 8 on Saturday!
"There ain't nothing wrong with a woman who's got a little backbone! Tough!"
Monday pace run!
Today was an 8 mile run with 4 miles being at pace. This was not really that big of deal, as an 8:30 pace is where my body goes naturally. However, we had to get creative with it. Remember the calf cramp from Sunday... It was still lurking in my calf, ready to take me down at any point. I also had Zoe with me, traffic was BAD on David Taylor, and the soft dirt trail (where we add on miles) was covered in mud and water. I did come up a bit short on this run. However, I got my 4 miles at pace done. I thought that .7 of a cool down mile would not totally derail my training...and Zoe was done, so I finished up and was happy!
Tuesday was swim/core!
I got the crazy idea to swim a bit then jump out of the pool and do some core, then swim some more then more core....blah, blah, blah!
Wednesday = Hills!
7xhill to be exact! With the help from Holly and Michelle, I chose to run some hills that resemble the 1st half of Boston. I ran these 6 times then bolted up David Taylor. I held a good pace and tackled some good hills without much stopping.
Thursday I took as a rest day!
I knew I had 17 on Friday + 8 on Saturday = 25 miles! So I thought a day off from working out would "work out" best for me.
Friday was my 17 mile long run!
It was damp, cold, and cloudy! Michelle, Holly and I met and ran. The plan was to keep it slower the first few miles, then up the pace if we felt like it. Holly was going 10 miles, Michelle had 15, and I had 17. I'm glad to have these girls run with me! It makes training so much more fun. I ran around 11.66 then Holly was finished. We went back at the car to refill our water, then Michelle and I went back out. We did an out and back course. The last 3 miles we started upping the pace. I looked at my Garmin and we were doing around an 8:00 mile! I knew that this would get it over faster...so I turned to Kellie Pickler for inspiration! I heard her talk about being tough! I think I even started telling myself out loud that I was "Tough"! Several people passed us and gave me weird looks... but hey, I didn't care because I was almost done! And I was tough! GRRR!
Finished up the run and looked at overall pace.... 8:30! WOW! But would I be sore and tired for my run tomorrow?
Saturday was 8 miles recovery!
My goal was 8 miles! No goal time involved. I was not sore at all from yesterday's run. I felt really good, in fact! However, I had been up late the night before because Abigayle had 3 friends over for a slumber party, I had a baby shower that morning until 1200, it was windy and cool, I was running later than normal, and I only had about an hour before I had to be back home to get ready for Maggie's basket ball game! I love to here people say they could never run as much as me because they don't have time.....but that's another soapbox.... anyway, I never warmed up on this run.... and my legs were tired! Not sore, but tired! I completed the run, went home, ate 5 cookies, changed and went to Maggie's basketball game!
Next week is a step back week! Praise the LORD!
Here are the words:
Tough, I ain't ever been nothing but tough.
My edges have always been rough
But Jesus loves me anyway
there ain't nothing wrong with a woman
who got a little backbone.
You want a shy little thing,
a pretty little high heel thing
gonna cry if I don't polish up....Tough!
But training for a marathon also takes a bit of "Tough". Training is created to break your body down so it will build back up with more "Tough"! This week I ran almost 40 miles, ending with a double long run of 17 miles on Friday and 8 on Saturday!
"There ain't nothing wrong with a woman who's got a little backbone! Tough!"
Monday pace run!
Today was an 8 mile run with 4 miles being at pace. This was not really that big of deal, as an 8:30 pace is where my body goes naturally. However, we had to get creative with it. Remember the calf cramp from Sunday... It was still lurking in my calf, ready to take me down at any point. I also had Zoe with me, traffic was BAD on David Taylor, and the soft dirt trail (where we add on miles) was covered in mud and water. I did come up a bit short on this run. However, I got my 4 miles at pace done. I thought that .7 of a cool down mile would not totally derail my training...and Zoe was done, so I finished up and was happy!
Tuesday was swim/core!
I got the crazy idea to swim a bit then jump out of the pool and do some core, then swim some more then more core....blah, blah, blah!
WU: 500...
Workout: 100...
pushups, triceps...
pushups, triceps...
pushups, triceps...
CD: 300
1500 meters of swimming plus core work! By the time I finished, I was shaking.Wednesday = Hills!
7xhill to be exact! With the help from Holly and Michelle, I chose to run some hills that resemble the 1st half of Boston. I ran these 6 times then bolted up David Taylor. I held a good pace and tackled some good hills without much stopping.
Thursday I took as a rest day!
I knew I had 17 on Friday + 8 on Saturday = 25 miles! So I thought a day off from working out would "work out" best for me.
Friday was my 17 mile long run!
It was damp, cold, and cloudy! Michelle, Holly and I met and ran. The plan was to keep it slower the first few miles, then up the pace if we felt like it. Holly was going 10 miles, Michelle had 15, and I had 17. I'm glad to have these girls run with me! It makes training so much more fun. I ran around 11.66 then Holly was finished. We went back at the car to refill our water, then Michelle and I went back out. We did an out and back course. The last 3 miles we started upping the pace. I looked at my Garmin and we were doing around an 8:00 mile! I knew that this would get it over faster...so I turned to Kellie Pickler for inspiration! I heard her talk about being tough! I think I even started telling myself out loud that I was "Tough"! Several people passed us and gave me weird looks... but hey, I didn't care because I was almost done! And I was tough! GRRR!
Finished up the run and looked at overall pace.... 8:30! WOW! But would I be sore and tired for my run tomorrow?
Saturday was 8 miles recovery!
My goal was 8 miles! No goal time involved. I was not sore at all from yesterday's run. I felt really good, in fact! However, I had been up late the night before because Abigayle had 3 friends over for a slumber party, I had a baby shower that morning until 1200, it was windy and cool, I was running later than normal, and I only had about an hour before I had to be back home to get ready for Maggie's basket ball game! I love to here people say they could never run as much as me because they don't have time.....but that's another soapbox.... anyway, I never warmed up on this run.... and my legs were tired! Not sore, but tired! I completed the run, went home, ate 5 cookies, changed and went to Maggie's basketball game!
Next week is a step back week! Praise the LORD!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Week 6 - 1/29/12 - 2/4/12
I believe that God is in control. The same God that parted the Red Sea many years ago is the same God that is in control of my life. I believe that God has given me the ability to run fast enough to qualify for the Boston Marathon. I believe that HE made it a reality that I was able to sign up and get in. I believe HE is in control of my training and, for some reason, HE wants me to run in this particular marathon......at least at this point in time.
Now, Why do I say all this. I believe that this week, God has taught me (once again) that I can trust Him! I already trust Him with my eternity. When I was 5 I asked Him to be my Savior. Now, as an adult, I continue to make Him my Lord. If he is my Lord, then He gets everything I have....even my running.
Eric Liddell, the winner of the Men's 400 metres at the 1924 Summer Olympics held in Paris, once said, "I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure." Now I'm not going to pretend that I am fast. But God did give me the ability to run..... and when I do, I feel Him. I feel the joy He has in seeing me do the best I can do to bring honor and glory to Him.
And so now..... I go into my 6th week of training!
Monday was a tempo run!
This was a wonderfully glorious run. Goal was 8 miles with 6 of them at tempo pace. I was a bit anxious because this is a rather fast pace (7:43-8:03) for me to hold for 6 miles. I honestly didn't know if I could do it. I warmed up 1.5 miles then off I went. I ran each mile right below tempo pace except for mile 5. However, mile 5 went onto the dirt and gravel trail that had been flooded, so I had to jump mud puddles and splash through water. So, the effort was the same. Then I cooled down at a slower pace for about half a mile. This run almost seemed effortless.
Tuesday was swim day!
2000 meters was on the plan for the day. However, a call from work threatened my getting to the pool. After almost a full morning of getting all my ducks in a row, I finally got to swim. I noticed my foot was hurting again... but just a little bit.
I got in the pool and only could beat out 1500 meters. By the end, my foot was hurting a little bit more and I was so tired that I just wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep. By the time I picked up the girls from school, I could not put weight on my left foot..... oh no! Not good! So like a good runner girl, I call my poditerist. They were wonderful and got me an appointment for 0900 the next morning.
Wednesday....The Doctor!
So at 0900, I'm at the doctor. They take x-rays and hang them in my room while I wait for the doctor to come in. So naturally I try to figure out what is wrong..... with no luck!
Soon the doctor walks in and asks me how I'm doing. I politely let him know that "how I'm doing" will totally depend on his diagnosis. I also show him my Brooks running shoes and let him know that if he says I cannot run anymore, I will hit him with said shoes. He laughs.....I guess he thought I was kid'n.....I'm not!
He tells me that my foot looks good on the x-ray then asks me a series of questions..... including "So, what marathon are you training for?" I tell him, and he smiles and says no problem. He's a marathon runner too! So he understands.
He explains that I have a neuroma. A little nerve that has gotten all swollen and painful in between my 4th and 5th toe. He explains to me that he understands I want to run Boston and need to stay consistant with my training...so he tells me two things.
After the shot... I was told that I had to do what he said.... And he said it was best if I put my 16 mile long run off until Saturday... and no double long runs this week. So I am missing 2 days of running....Big picture! Big picture! I will be better off because of this! .......and he said I can swim.
Thursday I decide to mix it up!
I do swim but add the circuit training into the mix! At this point, my pinky toe and side of my foot is numb and swolen. Maybe the swim will help!
Swim 500 to warm up.
Then I do the following workout 2x:
Swim 200 FAST!
Jump out of the pool and do pushups, situps, lunges, squats, and some other stuff.
Swim 200 FAST!
Jump out of pool and do elavated pushups, squats, tricep dips, lunges, superman and other stuff
Swim 200 FAST!
Cooldown 500 yards!
I was shaking when I finished. However, my foot felt better!
Friday I wanted to run SOOOOO bad! But I just did yoga. It is a deep stretch class. I could tell my legs and hips were messed up from my limping....due to the foot.
I also got my Asics! God is good! Dick's Sporting Goods had the 2160s on sale for $69.99, because Asics has come out with the 2170*. I had a coupon for $10.00 off! Woot! So I got my running shoes for about $65.00! They normally around $100.00 so I was excited.
*Keep in mind though, even though these are the shoes I wear, it is last year's brand so Dick's was trying to get rid of them. The 2170s are $107.00 at Dicks. Even with the coupon, I would have gotten the 2170 cheaper at Run For You Life because I get a 15% discount there.
Saturday was my 16 mile long run!
I felt like a dog that had just noticed the gate was open and was free. I was so excited!
This run was going to be split into 2 sections so I could change shoes. My Asics got to go first! Then the Brooks!
I first ran what we call the Y loop. This was around 11 miles including some out and backs I added in. It is mostly flat until around mile 7. Then it starts up a hill we all call Kathy's hill. Then another series of hills ending with David Taylor. As I said earlier, I wore my new Asics during this first part of the run. They were a little stiff but I knew that going into the run. All in all, everything felt good.
Then I went back to the car, put on the Brooks and headed back down David Taylor. Wow these shoes are much lighter than the Asics! The plan was to hit as many hills as I could to simulate the hills in the second half at Boston. I think I found my "Heartbreak Hill" right here in Charlotte. It is called Senator Royall. It is a BEAST! David Taylor is flat in comparasion. I hit this hill around mile 14... WOW! After going up...up...up, I had to run another mile to finish out the run. My calf was cramping and I was tired. But I knew this was good practice for Boston, so I ran. I ran and felt the joy of being able to run. To experience the pain. To finish. To stop. And to meet all my buddies at Caribou after the run for some coffee.
Sunday was the Big Attic!
Lots of dancing, jumping, acting, and acting crazy! This is where I was paid back for running with a tight calf! The opening song I jumped on my left leg and my calf cramped up. I almost went to the ground. Was able to pull it together until I got backstage... then had a cast member try to rub the knot out. She got it so I could walk with out limping but dude, IT HURT!
When I got home, I soaked my leg in hot water and massaged the knot! OUCH! I got most of it out so I hope it doesn't effect tomorrow's run!
Now, Why do I say all this. I believe that this week, God has taught me (once again) that I can trust Him! I already trust Him with my eternity. When I was 5 I asked Him to be my Savior. Now, as an adult, I continue to make Him my Lord. If he is my Lord, then He gets everything I have....even my running.
Eric Liddell, the winner of the Men's 400 metres at the 1924 Summer Olympics held in Paris, once said, "I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure." Now I'm not going to pretend that I am fast. But God did give me the ability to run..... and when I do, I feel Him. I feel the joy He has in seeing me do the best I can do to bring honor and glory to Him.
And so now..... I go into my 6th week of training!
Monday was a tempo run!
This was a wonderfully glorious run. Goal was 8 miles with 6 of them at tempo pace. I was a bit anxious because this is a rather fast pace (7:43-8:03) for me to hold for 6 miles. I honestly didn't know if I could do it. I warmed up 1.5 miles then off I went. I ran each mile right below tempo pace except for mile 5. However, mile 5 went onto the dirt and gravel trail that had been flooded, so I had to jump mud puddles and splash through water. So, the effort was the same. Then I cooled down at a slower pace for about half a mile. This run almost seemed effortless.
Tuesday was swim day!
2000 meters was on the plan for the day. However, a call from work threatened my getting to the pool. After almost a full morning of getting all my ducks in a row, I finally got to swim. I noticed my foot was hurting again... but just a little bit.
I got in the pool and only could beat out 1500 meters. By the end, my foot was hurting a little bit more and I was so tired that I just wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep. By the time I picked up the girls from school, I could not put weight on my left foot..... oh no! Not good! So like a good runner girl, I call my poditerist. They were wonderful and got me an appointment for 0900 the next morning.
Wednesday....The Doctor!
![]() |
My Left Foot! |
Soon the doctor walks in and asks me how I'm doing. I politely let him know that "how I'm doing" will totally depend on his diagnosis. I also show him my Brooks running shoes and let him know that if he says I cannot run anymore, I will hit him with said shoes. He laughs.....I guess he thought I was kid'n.....I'm not!
He tells me that my foot looks good on the x-ray then asks me a series of questions..... including "So, what marathon are you training for?" I tell him, and he smiles and says no problem. He's a marathon runner too! So he understands.
He explains that I have a neuroma. A little nerve that has gotten all swollen and painful in between my 4th and 5th toe. He explains to me that he understands I want to run Boston and need to stay consistant with my training...so he tells me two things.
- Even though he loves Brooks, I need to go back to my Asics for most of my runs. He shows me how each shoe bends at the toes and says the Brooks put too much strain on my toes. So now I have to dish out more money for another pair of shoes! GRRRR! But can you ever have too many shoes? Now will Matt go for it....?
- I am going to get a cortizone shot. A SHOT! IN MY TOE NERVE! I ask him if that is really necessary. He says, "You want to run Boston?" Yes I do, so bring on the shot!
After the shot... I was told that I had to do what he said.... And he said it was best if I put my 16 mile long run off until Saturday... and no double long runs this week. So I am missing 2 days of running....Big picture! Big picture! I will be better off because of this! .......and he said I can swim.
Thursday I decide to mix it up!
I do swim but add the circuit training into the mix! At this point, my pinky toe and side of my foot is numb and swolen. Maybe the swim will help!
Swim 500 to warm up.
Then I do the following workout 2x:
Swim 200 FAST!
Jump out of the pool and do pushups, situps, lunges, squats, and some other stuff.
Swim 200 FAST!
Jump out of pool and do elavated pushups, squats, tricep dips, lunges, superman and other stuff
Swim 200 FAST!
Cooldown 500 yards!
I was shaking when I finished. However, my foot felt better!
Friday I wanted to run SOOOOO bad! But I just did yoga. It is a deep stretch class. I could tell my legs and hips were messed up from my limping....due to the foot.
I also got my Asics! God is good! Dick's Sporting Goods had the 2160s on sale for $69.99, because Asics has come out with the 2170*. I had a coupon for $10.00 off! Woot! So I got my running shoes for about $65.00! They normally around $100.00 so I was excited.
*Keep in mind though, even though these are the shoes I wear, it is last year's brand so Dick's was trying to get rid of them. The 2170s are $107.00 at Dicks. Even with the coupon, I would have gotten the 2170 cheaper at Run For You Life because I get a 15% discount there.
Saturday was my 16 mile long run!
I felt like a dog that had just noticed the gate was open and was free. I was so excited!
This run was going to be split into 2 sections so I could change shoes. My Asics got to go first! Then the Brooks!
I first ran what we call the Y loop. This was around 11 miles including some out and backs I added in. It is mostly flat until around mile 7. Then it starts up a hill we all call Kathy's hill. Then another series of hills ending with David Taylor. As I said earlier, I wore my new Asics during this first part of the run. They were a little stiff but I knew that going into the run. All in all, everything felt good.
Then I went back to the car, put on the Brooks and headed back down David Taylor. Wow these shoes are much lighter than the Asics! The plan was to hit as many hills as I could to simulate the hills in the second half at Boston. I think I found my "Heartbreak Hill" right here in Charlotte. It is called Senator Royall. It is a BEAST! David Taylor is flat in comparasion. I hit this hill around mile 14... WOW! After going up...up...up, I had to run another mile to finish out the run. My calf was cramping and I was tired. But I knew this was good practice for Boston, so I ran. I ran and felt the joy of being able to run. To experience the pain. To finish. To stop. And to meet all my buddies at Caribou after the run for some coffee.
Sunday was the Big Attic!
Lots of dancing, jumping, acting, and acting crazy! This is where I was paid back for running with a tight calf! The opening song I jumped on my left leg and my calf cramped up. I almost went to the ground. Was able to pull it together until I got backstage... then had a cast member try to rub the knot out. She got it so I could walk with out limping but dude, IT HURT!
When I got home, I soaked my leg in hot water and massaged the knot! OUCH! I got most of it out so I hope it doesn't effect tomorrow's run!
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