Saturday, April 21, 2012

I'm a Bahston Runnah! - My race report!

On Monday, April 16, 2012, I ran the 116th Boston marathon.
I have 2 things I want to say about this race:
1. It was the hardest marathon I have ever run!
2. It was the most enjoyable marathon I have ever run!
Someone asked me if it was all I had hoped it would be.  It was everything I had hoped it would be and more. So here is my story:
As Matt and I were getting ready to board the plane in Charlotte, to go to Boston, I noticed I had received and email from the BAA.   It read....

BOSTON MARATHON WEATHER UPDATEDue to warm weather in Monday's forecast, a deferment option has been introduced. 
Due to the unusually warm weather forecast for the Boston area on Monday, the B.A.A. will defer the entry of those official entrants to the 2013 Boston Marathon for participants who decide not to race.
In addition, the B.A.A. will keep the finish systems open an additional hour on race day.  Whereas the finish systems generally cease just prior to 5:00 p.m., this year the finish systems will remain open until approximately 6:00 p.m. 
The B.A.A. thanks all participants for their cooperation in this matter. 

By the time I got to Boston, the BAA was asking people not to run who did not feel like their training went well or if they were charity runners.  It was expected to be around 87 degrees.  So I started praying that God would change the weather. 

Matt and I went on like normal.  On Sunday we got up, watched HGBC (our church) online then went to the expo.  I picked up my packet and got my coveted official Boston Jacket!

Official Boston Jacket!

Packet Pick-up!

 Afterward, Matt and I walked around the expo...almost overwhelmed!  It was HUGE!  We saw everything then went to eat lunch.  Then we chilled for a good part of the day at the hotel.  I think I fell asleep....  Then off to eat again! Does anyone see a theme?  All the while, I was drinking tons of water and Gatorade.

Carb Loading!

So anyway..... We ate, then went to get ready for Monday!

I got up at 0500 and spent time with God.  I continued to pray for a weather change and safety for my buddies who were running.  I got dressed, ate my 1st breakfast, started my Gatorade and water, then Matt and I walked to the bus. 

Boston is a point to point course.  It starts in Hopkinton and you run 26.2 miles to Boston.  So I had to ride a bus to the start.  I was excited and just a bit anxious.  When I stepped outside, I knew it was going to be hot!  I had promised Matt I would slow it down so I would safely finish.  He and my mom weren't so sure about me having the discipline to do this.  I wasn't either.

At the bus, I met some of my UCRR buddies!

Landon, Ed, Hazel, Me

Hazel had deferred, but was there for support!  Love my running group!  So the rest of us loaded the bus and at 0700, we were headed to Hopkinton.  I wanted to take everything in.  The bus was loaded with nervous energy. Everyone was discussing how they qualified and their plans for the race. 

I looked around and listened to the stories.  I felt like a small fish in a big pond.  Everyone here is fast.... fast enough to qualify for THE Boston marathon. It is amazing.

We get to Hopkinton and unload.  We walk to the field and find a good spot to relax for the next 2 hours.  Landon and I don't start until 1040, so we have a while to wait.  We listen to music, talk about the race, eat our 2nd breakfast about 1000, and use the bathroom for the last time.  I cannot even explain how amazing "Athlete's Village" was.  All the runners...All the energy...All the heat.

Finally it was time for Ed to go to his wave.  He is FAST... so he is in the Red Wave (or wave 1).  At 1005, Landon and I go to our wave.  We are in the Blue Wave (or wave 3).  It is about 3/4 of a mile from the village to the start.  So we walk...and walk!  I finish my 33 ounce water and take my salt pill (for electrolytes)

Before I tell anything about this race I have to say something.... the whole race there were tons of VERY HELPFUL spectators and volunteers.  They made it possible for me to finish and kept me entertained the whole marathon.

My plan was to run a 5k at a time.  I knew there was a tracking mat at every 5k point.  I also knew that breaking the race down into smaller goals made it easier to tackle. 

My first big goal was to hit the half way mark around 2:00.  This is a far cry from the 1:47 half time I did just a bout a month ago. My 2nd goal was to hit mile 16 and feel good.  This is the point I normally feel overwhelmed and hit the wall. My 3rd goal was to make it to the top of Heartbreak hill (mile 21ish) and still have 5 more miles in me to run. And my biggest goal was to finish under the hot conditions I had been given.

I remember standing at the starting line.  I looked at the girl beside me and told her we were getting ready to run THE Boston Marathon!  I was very emotional.  This is not like me at all... I normally have very few emotions but not today.  I watched the clock count to 1040 and we were off. 

The first few miles are down hill.  Everyone was blowing it out...going fast.  I had told Matt I would start with a 9:00 mile and would not go any faster than that.  At this point it was 80+ degrees.  So I said to the runners flying past me, "See you suckas on Heart Break Hill"!  I took everything in.  The first 5k went by fast.  There was water at every mile and there was NO running through the water stops.  The wall of people and mound of cups on the ground made me have to slow down significantly.  But that was OK because I was able to start my hydration plan.  This included taking a Gatorade every other mile, and 2 waters at every mile.  One water to drink and one to pour on my head.  Yes, it was that hot!

Around mile 3 we passed a tent put up by the spectators.  They were telling us to just come over and sit down and rest.  They had ice cream.  I found this very funny.  I saw signs that said "short cut".  People had water pipes and were spraying the runners.  It was wonderful! When I wasn't at a water stop, the spectators were giving out oranges and water. 

OK... lets just do another 5k.....

At the 10k mark, I knew that my family and friends who were tracking me would get a text.  I prayed that I would be able to finish this race well.  I thought about my children at school and how excited they were about this... and I cried.  Good grief!  What is wrong with me?  This is where I took my first gel.  It was almost liquefied because of the heat.  I also noticed my hydration plan was working out well.

Around mile 7, I remember seeing a said, "You qualified to diminish any doubts".  This touched me.  I got very emotional as I thought about my journey to get here and once again, I cried!.  Even though it was around 90, I thought about my awesome jacket back at the hotel waiting for me to put it on!  And I ran....and cried!

OK...Lets run to the 15k mark! 

I remember seeing this mat.  I thought about the last 15k race I ran with my buddy Michelle.  I thought about how strong she had been in this race.  Then I saw a sign that said, "Go Michelle".  Guess what, I cried!  But this gave me the strength to go another 5k.

As I started getting closer to the half marathon mark (13.1 miles) I started hearing yelling.  At first I was confused.  But then I remembered.... Wellesley College!  There were tons of girls with signs that said "Kiss Me".  They were yelling for us like we were movie stars.  I, once again cried and laughed.  It was very moving.  I also knew as I crossed the 1/2 marathon mark my family and friends would get a text.  I also took my next gel.  So far, so good!

When I went through the 13.1 mile marker, I decided to start a new mind game.... Just 3 more miles to mile 16.... then just 4 more miles to mile 20..... then just a 10k to go.  I can do that.  Because now, I'm running home!

Mile 13.1 - 16.  I am still feeling pretty good.  I am very thirsty and can feel the heat go into my lungs as I breath.  I'm not breathing heavy so I decide to make sure I breath in through my nose and out through my mouth.  At this point I notice there are these shower things we can run through.  You have to go off the course a bit but the benefits of being completely soaked was wonderful.  I also knew that around 15/16, the Newton Hills start so I started preparing myself as well as I could. 

This is where I passed team HoytThis is a father/son team.  The father pushes the son in a wheelchair.  He is an amazing athlete who has competed in many marathons and Iron Man races.  I have read about them so it was an honor to see them in action.  I could tell they were struggling.  This gave new perspective on how hard this marathon was turning out to be.  Even the strongest of runners were suffering.  I gave them a shout out as I passed by and ran....and cried!

At mile 16, I knew I would have about 5 miles of hills.  However, I didn't really care at this point.  I knew in 4 miles I would be at mile 20.  I ran up slowly and tried to gain a little momentum on the down hills.  I continued drinking my water and Gatorade.  I poured water on my head.

I took a COLD water from a spectator who was handing them out.  I have NEVER tasted water so good.  It was so cold.  It gave new meaning to the verse in the Bible that talks about not being a luke warm follower of Christ, but either being hot or cold.  The verse means to be true to your convictions and stand up for what you believe.  Up until this point, I had been drinking luke warm water.  It was nasty, but under the circumstances, I had to have it.  But when I got that fresh COLD water, it was refreshing.  That is what the Bible was talking is refreshing to see a believer take a stand on his/her beliefs.  Not in a mean way, but to just live what you say you believe.  To truly care about people.  To care not only about the needs of the here and now, but their needs for eternity.  I asked God to help me be refreshing water to others when they thirst for the living water....when they thirst for Jesus.

At mile 20 I start going up Heartbreak Hill.  I knew this would be a somewhat long hill, but at the end, the course would turn slightly down hill. And only a 10k to go.  As I was running up Heartbreak Hill I thought to myself....."My Heart will NOT be broken today".  I looked around and noticed that I was the ONLY one running and everyone else looked like they were doing a death march.  There were also motorcycle cops pulling people off the course.  It was rather scary.  It was so hot.  I have never ran a race that was this hot.... and I have ran Disney the year it was around 90 at the finish.

As I topped Heartbreak Hill, I knew I was home free!  Mile only 5 more to go.  I can do that.  I was running along and I heard someone call my name.  I look around and see my friend Jessi.  I thought I was seeing things at first, but I wasn't...she offered me water, but I told her I was good and I ran.

At mile 22 I had missed a water station.  Every station was set up on both sides but this one.  So I ran by the first part, on the I had done 21 times before... but this time, it was only on that one side...drats!  But then I look around and see my wonderful husband.  I want to let him know I am good but I start to get emotional and can hardly talk.  He snaps a quick picture of me, we hug (I think) and I start running again.
Mile 22!
Around mile 23 I see a woman giving out frozen fruit pops.  She gives me one and I declare my love for her and the fruit pop.  It was the best thing I have ever eaten!  I decide to eat this instead of my last gel.  I get a water to wash it down and keep running. 

Only a 5k to go.....
The last 3 miles were wonderful.... tons of spectators and water pipes.  I was soaking wet.  I just looked around and took it in.
The last mile was amazing.  I knew I would finish.  I knew I was getting so close.  I turn on Boylston and see the finish line.... guess what... I cry!  I am getting ready to finish THE BOSTON MARATHON!
I pass through the finish line and get my medal.  I am so excited!  I have finished the race....and I finished well!

Me and my Medal!

Before I started this marathon, I asked God to change the weather.  He did not do that though.  Instead, He changed me.  He helped me slow it down and be OK with that.  He helped me NEVER hit the wall.  He helped me accomplish my long awaited goal of running this marathon.  I believe it was meant for me to run this marathon and finish.  I believe God taught me several lessons along the way.  And I believe I will someday come back and really be able to run it at my pace.

My mom told me once that we do not get to choose the conditions we race under.  This is true of life too.  Sometimes God does change our conditions and/or circumstances.... but most of the time, He changes us.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Taper Week 1 - Week 15

I have finally hit marathon week! I am a mix of emotions about everything!  I am every excited one minute and wanting to puke the next!  Checking the weather in Boston every hour and feeling phantom pains all over my body that actually are not there.....
This is part of Taper madness! =)

However, I am more excited than anything else.  I cannot believe that after everything: the qualifying, the training, the planning, that it is finally a week away!

I am now figuring out what to wear and what to pack.  One thing I do know.... What shoes I will wear.   My new Asics 2170 from Run For Your Life!  My Zoe is guarding them for me!
Take me running with you!

I will guard your shoes for you!
As of today, Boston is offering a rather warm day on Monday, April 16th.  At this point it will be highs 75 and partly cloudy.  My starting time isn't until 10:40 am so that means I will run in the heat of the day.  I'm hoping it will be cooler, but I choose not to stress about things I don't control.  I have completed most of my runs in the heat and/or rain.  So the elements are not making me fear.  I am also hoping my hydration plan will work out for me in the heat.  I try to drink around a gallon of water a day!

My jug of H2O!
However, whatever the weather holds, I have finished my training and now I just recover to run.  So this is how my first week of tapering went! At this point, I have not burned any bridges or killed anyone.... so I feel like the tapering is going well.

This was just a run with a few pickups.  Michelle and I met and ran about 6 miles.  I noticed that morning before the run that my Garmin had not charged up.  So I just ran this without my garmin... it felt weird.

Tuesday I did no workout. I wanted to make sure that I would be fully recovered from my 20 miler.  Also it is spring break so I sent Abigayle off on a youth Mission trip and then hung out with my Maggie the rest of the day.

Wednesday was hill work.  I was having a hard time breathing.  I'm not sure if this was because of allergies or just because I was still tired from my too fast 20 miler on Saturday.

Thursday was a rest day.... HA! I don't feel like I should rest.

Friday was a cold rainy 4 miler.  Supposed to be at pace but was a little too fast.... 8:20 pace. oops!

Saturday was a fun 10 mile run at a nice 8:45 pace with my friends!!!

So 1 more week and I will be there!  Can't wait!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

And It Comes to and End - Week 14

I got my packet this week and I am runner #18338! Wave 3, corral 1!
This is my last week of official training. After this week I start my taper.  EEEEK!  I cannot believe my race is this close. 
I have mixed feelings about this. 
  1. First, I am in shock and totally excited that I am getting the honor to run.  It has been a long road.  Not just the training, but the getting the chance to even sign up for Boston.  As most of you know, you have to qualify at another marathon to even get the chance to sign up.  My BQ time was 3:50.59.  I qualified in 2010 (with a 3:45.22 chip time) at the Thunder Road marathon.  However, that was not my first attempt.
    1. Thunder Road 2009 was my first attempt (12/09) but it all fell apart as I got sick during the marathon.
    2. Then came Myrtle Beach 2010.  (2/10) It all fell apart as I watched the snow fall.  The marathon was canceled and once again my Boston dream was out of my reach!
    3. And the Thunder Road 2010.... 12/12/10 it all came together!
    4. But then they changed the September registration process.  No longer are you guaranteed a "Spot" in Boston if you qualify.  They only take the fastest qualifiers.  So I had to wait until week 3 of registration to even try to sign up.  Then I had to wait to see if I made the cut. I did so...
    5. I made up my training plan and continued the journey to Boston.
  2. Second, I am totally scared out of my mind and intimidated by this race!  On my race packet it says, "There are many races, but only 1 Boston Marathon".  How can I even think that I deserve to be a part of the field of runners that runs this race.  I still feel like the novice runner I was in 2004 when I ran my first marathon.  But I am not a novice runner.  And now it is time for me to set some goals.
I have to be honest.  I actually set my goals before I started training.  Back in December, when I wrote up my training plan, I wrote it up for a specific time.  That time was 3:42.  So all my runs have been geared to this.  I have trained for that time and (Hopefully) I have trained for the specific Boston course with all my up and down hill training.  That puts my mile splits at an 8:29 pace on a course I have NEVER even seen.
However... After discussing my grand plans with several runners who have run this race I have made a final decision for my goals.
I have worked hard to get here and may never have the chance to run it again.  I don't want to regret not enjoying this race.  Sometimes pushing the pace makes the race not fun and normally results in me getting sick.  SO.... I plan to go an enjoy myself.  I want to give people Hi-5s... I want to have fun... I want to talk and laugh with the other runners.... I want to finish and have a smile on my face..... I want to be able to walk back to my hotel.
So I have NO time goal!  Gasp!  I have no pace bracelet or no time in mind.  The goal is to enjoy myself!

So here is the last week of training!

Monday was a tempo run!
It was HARD!  I had 10 miles.  6 of those were at tempo pace.  I warmed up 3 miles with Michelle then started the tempo pace.  She had to get to work so she started heading back.  About 2 miles into my tempo pace I see someone coming toward me.  It is Jonathan. I was so happy that he turned around to run with me.  He did the whole tempo part with me and was very encouraging.  I think he thought I was going to die though... He kept asking if I was OK.  I was, but it was just a hard run.

Tuesday I swam 1700... really nothing to say about that! Just a recovery day.

Wednesday was circuit!  This is speed work with a twist!  Five 1/2 mile repeats with strength training in between.  And I was sore afterwards!

Thursday was a rest day!  From training.

Friday was my pace run!
It was the perfect day to run!  Goal was 10 miles at my marathon pace (8:29).  Michelle came and ran with me.  We finished up with 10 miles at an 8:21 pace.  A bit fast.

Saturday was my last 20 miler!
When I got out of bed, I heard the pitter patter of rain hitting my window.  Maybe it will stop?  Ha!!!  No such luck. I met several friends at 0600 to start my last 20.  The goal was 20 miles at a nice "easy" 8:45 pace. 
We first did the "BiLo" loop in the rain.  This ended up being a little over 6 miles. 
Then we met the rest of the group. 
Troy had 15 miles
Erin had 18 miles
Siobhan had 20 miles
So we all hung out for that amount of miles.  We discussed some mind tricks to stay strong during a run.  Erin said she puts everything into the amount of time it would take to watch a certain TV program or movie.  For example.... 7 miles = a TV episode of "Person of Interest" with the commercials. So at this point, we have less time running left than the movie "Hunger Games".
We all ran DOWN David Taylor in the rain!  Got on the greenway and ran to the soccer fields.  Still sorta raining.  This gave us around 10 miles and Siobhan said we were half way done.  So an hour and a half (approx) left or the time it would take to see 3 "Sponge bob" shows come on and go off.  And I felt really good, even though we had been running under pace.... in the rain.
We turned down the Toby Creek extension... in the rain. Took a gel and continued to run back. 
Got back to David Taylor and Troy turned off.  That means I have a little over 5 miles left.... or an episode of "House"...without the commercials.... oh, and by the way, it was still raining.
about 2 miles later, Erin turns off and heads back.  She only has to do 18 and we are around 17 miles.  Wow!  At this point, we are still going under the 8:45 pace but I am still OK.  Tired, but OK.  we hit mile 18 and Siobhan says, "Seinfeld, without the commercials".  I know what she means... we have about 18 minutes left (at the most).
At mile 19 we get off the greenway (totally uphill.... I pretended it was Heartbreak Hill) and run the rest of the way in.  The last mile was an 8:10.
Oh, and by the way.... it was still raining and I was soaked...and looked like I had been in a muddy cat fight.  I had so much "chub rub" it wasn't even funny.  My back, legs, and everywhere my clothes touched me was rubbed raw.
It is funny!  After all that I look at my average pace for this 20 miler.  The average pace was 8:29.  My marathon pace.  Interesting.

So now that I am done with my official training I start the taper.  And taper madness.  So I apologize in advance for everything I may say and/or do the next 2 weeks.